
Anticipation: Dectina Refrain

Written for Quadrille Monday dVerse Poets Pub; De Jackson is
asking us to create a 44-word poem using the word “Friday”.

My poem is a Dectina Refrain:
1st line is 1 syllable, 2nd line is 2 syllables
3rd line is 3 syllables, and so on for 9 lines;
the 10th line is comprised of the first four lines

as one stand-alone sentence.

night dinner
we wait all week
to sit on the couch
and eat sexy pizza
with cheese like hot melted love,
gooey and deliciously good,
and we drink tall glasses of red wine.
Our Friday night dinner we wait all week

44 Words

This is “Makin’ Whoopee” by Dr. John and Rickie Lee Jones

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.


Lovin’ From The Oven

Written for Weekend Writing Prompt #357
using the word “temperature” in exactly 37 words.

Oven temperature set for 425ÂșF.

Brush turkey liberally with melted butter. Sprinkle with salt and drape bird with bacon strips. Place in oven and go watch the Macy’s Parade.

Return to heavenly, scrumptious golden-brown deliciousness.

Happy Easter!

37 Words

This is “Easter Parade” by Frank Sinatra

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.

Short Story

Big Whoop

It’s a fiver today,
including prompt words from
FOWC with Fandango
and Weekly Prompts Wednesday.

“Debonair, sophisticated and charming” sighed Alice Carter. â€œI just love that movie. Cary Grant is so good-looking and classy. They don’t make movies like that anymore, you know?” 

“And that Ingrid Bergman is some beauty, too” replied Alice’s husband Ralph. â€œThose smoldering eyes, high cheekbones, graceful neck – a real looker, that one.” 

“And so chic, too, Ralph. You always knew a real lady when you saw one. Well, I better start dinner. I’m making your favorite – sausage and potato casserole.” 

“I hope you made a lemon meringue pie for dessert.” 

“Of course! Have we ever celebrated your birthday without your favorite pie? I know what you like, Ralph.” 

“No, we have not, Alice. The kitchen is your milieu and no one makes a lemon meringue pie like you, my little chickadee!” Alice blushed with delight; Ralph’s compliments were rare these days.

Returning to the den after starting dinner, Alice found Ralph was watching the weather channel. “My goodness! That weather girl’s pants are awfully tight! They’re a bit unseemly for TV, I think. Don’t you agree, Ralph?

“Oh, I don’t think so at all, Alice. She’s got a lovely figure; she probably works out every day. I’m sure her parents instilled in her an excellent work ethic. You know, I remember reading in some countries the TV weather girls are topless.”

“Topless? Why, I never” Alice declared indignantly; Ralph switched the channel to the news.  

Alice clucked her tongue. “Why aren’t there more delightful men on the news, men like that handsome Peter Jennings?” 

“Because he’s dead” replied Ralph.

“How about Mike Wallace? He’s so dapper.”

“Also dead” Ralph reminded Alice. 

“Look at that clown, Glenn Beck, wearing jeans and sneakers on a TV news show! Give him a beanie and he’d look just like one of those little rascal kids. What ever happened to that nice Matt Lauer?”

“Fired for overt misconduct and sexual harassment” replied Ralph.

“Good Lord! I don’t believe it! Well, what about Bill O’Reilly, Eric Bolling and Charlie Rose?” 

“Fired, fired and, oh yeah .
 fired. Alice, can I please have a moment of peace and quiet to watch the news?” 

“Well, pardon me for living! No need to be rude, Ralph” she sniffed. â€œI’m going to check on the sausage casserole.” 

When she returned Alice stopped dead in her tracks. â€œOh my God, Ralph! What on earth are you watching now?” 

“It’s still the news, Alice. In fact, it’s called ‘The News Channel’. News all day, every day.”

“The ‘X Rated News Channel’, you mean! No wonder those poor men got fired. What red-blooded guy could resist floozies like that showing off their goods on national TV? They look like hookers! And look at you sitting there in your underwear all bug-eyed.  Disgusting!” Alice harrumphed. 

“Put a lid on it, Alice! You don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about. These women are professionals. They’re lawyers, professors and judges, not some bimbos with sketchy qualifications who just walked in off the street.” 

“Yeah, they’re highly qualified alright 
. as adult entertainers!” Alice snapped. â€œTake that one on the end with the dyed blonde hair and skirt so short I can practically see Niagara Falls! What happened …. did they run out of fabric? And the other one with the dark hair. Who is she …. one of the Kardashians? With those spike heels and implants, I’m sure she can get a job as a pole dancer!”

“Woah, woah, woah! That’s enough, Alice! Look, this here is Megyn Kelly. She has a law degree, is a journalist, an author and a world-famous political commentator as well as a news anchor. The dark-haired one is Kimberly Guilfoyle. She’s a political analyst, an attorney and former First Lady of San Francisco. Now she’s engaged to Donald Trump, Jr.”

“Well, big whoop!! If you think I’m impressed, Ralph, you’ve got another thing comin’. You’re delusional!”

“I don’t care what you think, Alice. I’m sure their families are very proud of them. Besides being absolutely stunning, they are brilliant. Now why don’t you just run back into the kitchen and let me enjoy my one indulgence.”

“Indulgence??” Alice countered. â€œSo you admit it’s all about cheap thrills and nothing to do with the news. You’re such a pig, Ralph!” 

“Alice, your ignorance is showing. Can we please stop talking about this? How’s that sausage coming, anyway? I’m starving!”

Alice saw red. â€œHere’s an idea for you, Ralph. Get Kimberly what’s-her-name to see to your sausage. I’m sure she’s highly qualified! And one more thing …. Happy Effin’ Birthday!”

NAR © 2024

Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge -Weather

This is Judas Priest with “You’ve Got Another Thing Coming”.

This portfolio (including text, graphics and videos) is copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and not for use by anyone without permission. NAR © 2017-present.



Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head! Such a lovely couple although the mister’s bow tie is a bit starchy.

I remember them as a kid. Do you? Back then they were the real deal – or perhaps I should say “the raw deal”.

Our moms always scolded us about playing with our food and then Hasbro messed with our heads by telling us to do just that. No wonder so many Baby Boomers are now in therapy!

Oh, the irony!

These days The Pot Heads are made entirely of plastic. I admit they’re much less messy but where’s the charm, the appeal, the joie de vie?

Such sweet memories but troubling ones, as well. Whenever we played with the real Potato Heads, there was always a side of mash with dinner that night. When I finally made the awful connection that I was eating my playmates, it was too late.

Oh, the humanity!

RIP, Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head. You gave your all for a tasty cause!  đŸ„”

NAR © 2023