

Bob was having a bad day.

Great! Just great! First I drop my phone in the toilet; now I can’t find my Magellan! Where is that dang GPS? I coulda sworn I put it in the glove box a couple of years ago. This aughta be fun, trying to figure out how to get to my sales meeting without directions. Lemme take another look.

Nope, it’s not in here but there’s my jumper cables. Thought I lost them the time my engine died on me the night of the office Christmas party. Hot damn, that was a wild shindig! Who woulda guessed Uptight Tina from R&D could be such a temptress?

Let’s see what we got here … napkins, ketchup packets, pencils, pencils, more pencils, a menu from Panda Pavilion, a roach clip. No GPS. Now hold on just a second. What’s this? Oh man, do my eyes deceive me? A cassette tape! Right on!! Ah, that explains all the pencils! Oh man, from the days when music was good.

Hmm, looks like one of my old homemade jobs. I wonder what’s on it … writing’s all smudged so could be anything. Well, I’m good and lost but at least I’ll have some company on the road. I’m just gonna slip this baby in and see what develops.

🎶🎶 🎸 🎶🎶

Far out!! ‘Free Bird’!!”

NAR © 2023

28 thoughts on “IN TRANSIT”

    1. So true! Perhaps if I had a really cool MG, Fiat 124 Spider or Lamborghini I might keep my driving gloves in the glove box. Of course, I’d have to actually own a pair of driving gloves! 😂
      Thanks, Keith. Always a pleasure hearing from you!


  1. “Bob was having a bad day.” Should I read on? Well, I did. Then came to the word Magellan. Must be some new gadget and googled it and sure enough! Know I’ll never need that.

    Did enjoy the song. 🙂

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