

Rochelle from Friday Fictioneers
gave us the photo below while
Denise from Six Sentence Stories
provided the prompt word “jingle”.
This is my response, a union of two prompts,
in a 100-word, six-sentence story.*

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The year was 1939; they were a happy couple.

When she became pregnant the following year, they were ecstatic; their son was born in 1941, the most beautiful baby anyone ever saw – golden curls, plump cheeks as rosy as apple blossoms.

He was a delightful child who brought incredible joy into their lives.

In 1942 the baby was diagnosed with nephritis; incurable, the doctor said and they were left heartbroken.

In the blink of an eye between Jingle Bells and Auld Lang Syne, their baby silently passed away.

The young couple was devastated; they never celebrated new year’s eve again.

NAR © 2023
100 Words
6 Sentences

*This story is true; the young mother and father were my parents, their baby boy was the brother I never knew. Six weeks after their baby died, my father was drafted and spent his entire tour of duty fighting in Europe during WWII while my mother was left alone without a husband, without a baby. It was many years before I understood the ineffable emotional toll this had on their lives and why we never celebrated New Year’s Eve.

This is The Andrews Sisters singing “Apple Blossom Time”

This portfolio (including text, graphics and videos) is copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and not for use by anyone without permission. NAR © 2017-present.