Ovi Poem

Get A Grip: An Ovi Peace Rap

Written for Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge – ‘safety’
and Weekly Prompts Colour Challenge – ‘blue’. Here’s my piece.

Photo Credit Ā© Caters

What the hell, are you nuts
You trying to prove you got guts
 Spare me the ifs, ands or buts
This is a big mistake, dude

Listen man, Iā€™m doing fine
Iā€™m in the zone, behind the line
My head is clear, my thoughts are mine
Just go somewhere and chill

You ainā€™t got a safety net
Is this some sort of crazy bet
Youā€™re gonna kill yourself yet
You got a wife and kid at home

Blue skies, nothing is amiss
Clouds float by like lazy fish
Believe me, I have no death wish
Iā€™ve never felt so free

You may think you got a grip
All it takes is one small slip
A twitchy little fingertip
You wonā€™t survive the fall

This world is one insane rat race
We should respect our brother’s space
And live our days in peace and grace
It could be as simple as that


This is ā€œMr. Blue Skyā€ by ELO

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephantā€™s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not for use by anyone without permission. NARĀ©2017-present.

Short Prose

Move Over!

Written for Stream of Consciousness Saturday where
we are asked to feature the word “move”. Here’s my stream.

Here it is …. the so-called unofficial start of summer …. and we’re celebrating Memorial Day once again in my neck of the woods ā€“ Southern Westchester County in New York. In case youā€™re not familiar with the area, Manhattan is about a 45-minute drive south ā€“ far enough away for us to be in the suburbs but close enough to get into NYC for a show or dinner if we want to. Weā€™re approximately an hour from Jones Beach heading east out to Long Island and 2 hours from the Catskill Mountains up north.

Weā€™re in a nice spot and weā€™ve loved living here for 45+ years but we often bring up the topic of making a move. And why would we do that if itā€™s so nice here? Two big reasons: stupid-high property taxes and ever-increasing congestion.

Our little village was exactly that when we moved here; now the population has exploded and every family member old enough to drive has a car. We live on a very quiet cul de sac and never think about the congestion in town until we actually have to go to town. What used to be a 5 minute drive to the supermarket or post office is now triple that (or more) because of the number of cars, trucks and school buses on the move .ā€¦ and letā€™s not even start talking about road work! Thereā€™s construction everywhere we look and some of it takes years to accomplish. By then, itā€™s time to start repairs again! Move it!

So, if we did decide to leave New York, the big question is ā€¦. where would we move to? I have no idea! It seems like everyone complains about the same problems of high taxes and too much congestion no matter where they live. Besides, the physical act of clearing out the house, packing up, moving and relocating at this stage of our lives is daunting; I can barely manage packing for vacation!

Things to think about, for sure. For now, I think Iā€™ll move out onto the deck, sit in my lounge chair, drink my iced tea and listen to the birds. Bill will light the grill around 2PM; now that you know where I live, cā€™mon over!

It’s time to roll out some Nat King Cole and “Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer”!


All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephantā€™s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not for use by anyone without permission. NARĀ©2017-present.