Short Story

The Caper: A Six

Written for Six Sentence Story where we are
challenged to incorporate the prompt word ā€œmoveā€
into a story of exactly six sentences. Hereā€™s my six.

He looked real good so I made my move and walked right up to him, kissing him long and hard on the lips. He pulled me close, groaning as his hands slid up my dress and I could tell he was more than happy to see me, if you get my drift.

ā€œListen, babyā€, he said sotto voce, ā€œI had a nice gig dealing at a casino up in Buffalo and I made some serious moola running a fool-proof scam; Iā€™m dealing here tonight so if you and me were to double up, we could make a killing.ā€

It sounded dangerous and exciting. I nibbled his ear and reached between his legs, giving him an approving squeeze, and whispered ā€œIā€™m inā€.

ā€œWork first, then Iā€™ll show you how much I missed youā€Ā he promised as I knocked on the door; the peephole opened and immediately slid closed, then the door cracked an inch and we were quickly ushered into a back room heavy with the scent of leather, cigars and money.


This is ā€œRags To Richesā€ by Bony Bennett

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephantā€™s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not to be used without permission. NARĀ©2017-present.


Moonspell: A Haibun

Written for Mindlovemiseryā€™s Menagerie Photo Challenge #513,
Weekly Prompts Colour Challenge (orange), Moonwashed Weekly
(hazy moon) & Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge (regret)

Image Credit Sarah Whiley

I was lost, a bit frightened and filled with regret for not making a note of the address. A hazy moon began to make her appearance in the evening sky, leaving the tiny Palermo street awash in a warm orange glow. Squinting in the darkness, I saw what appeared to be a tunnel at the end of the street; there was no way I was going to walk into the black unknown. Slowly I inched closer and discovered the tunnel was actually a stairway. Just as I quickened my pace, an arm shot out of a hidden doorway and pulled me inside, pinning me against a wall. A deep voice I knew intimately whispered in honeyed Sicilian tones “PicchƬ ci haiu misu tantu tempu, amuri miu? Ti vogghiu beni!”Āŗ Passionate kisses drifted down my neck. Breathless, I murmured “I’m here now, my love. Show me.”

Kiss me now, my love,
In the warm glow of the moon
You possess my heart


ĀŗWhat took you so long, my love? I am burning for you.ā€

This is the Flamingos with ā€œI Only Have Eyes For Youā€

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephantā€™s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NARĀ©2017-present.

Short Story

Angel Eyes

Written for The Unicorn Challenge
where we are asked to be creative in 250 words or less,
using this photo as our inspiration. Here is my story.

Ā© Ayr/Gray

It was Friday night and my paycheck was burning a hole in my pocket. As it turns out, my on again/off again boyfriend, Jagger, was off again so I was free as the proverbial bird. Just as well; I was getting tired of the slouch anyway. But it was New Yearā€™s Eve 1946 and I didnā€™t want to be alone.

Anxious to hit the tables and ring in the new year, I got myself all dolled up in an outfit that was quite possibly illegal in 33 states ā€“ a lowcut slinky little black number with a high side slit, silk stockings with lacy garters and red satin stilettos. Maybe Iā€™d run into a high roller ready, willing and monetarily able to treat me to a bourbon, a thick juicy steak and a slice of pie a la mode.

I grabbed a taxi to the casino, the driver giving me the once-over in the rearview. I wasnā€™t interested in any two-bit palooka so I played it cool. Averting my eyes, I glanced out the window, snuggled deeper into my fur coat and lit a Chesterfield. The smoke encircled my head and my bright red lipstick left a perfect kiss around the filter.Ā 

When we arrived, I tossed a fiver at the cabbie and stepped out onto the sidewalk. The staccato of my heels alerted the man in black .ā€¦ Special Agent Sam Bishop.

ā€œEvening, Candace. Youā€™re looking angelic, if you donā€™t mind my saying. I donā€™t suppose youā€™ve heard from Jagger.ā€

250 Words

This is Kenny Burrell with ā€œAngel Eyesā€

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephantā€™s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NARĀ©2017-present.


Anticipation: Dectina Refrain

Written for Quadrille Monday dVerse Poets Pub; De Jackson is
asking us to create a 44-word poem using the word ā€œFriday”.

My poem is a Dectina Refrain:
1st line is 1 syllable, 2nd line is 2 syllables
3rd line is 3 syllables, and so on for 9 lines;
the 10th line is comprised of the first four lines

as one stand-alone sentence.

night dinner
we wait all week
to sit on the couch
and eat sexy pizza
with cheese like hot melted love,
gooey and deliciously good,
and we drink tall glasses of red wine.
Our Friday night dinner we wait all week

44 Words

This is “Makin’ Whoopee” by Dr. John and Rickie Lee Jones

All text, graphics and videosĀ are copyrightĀ for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephantā€™s TrunkĀ andĀ The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NARĀ©2017-present.



We were driving down iconic Route 66 in our convertible Volkswagen Jetta on our way from Chicago to Santa Monica, California, everything we owned being towed in a small rented U-Haul. In the backseat on the floor behind us, sleeping in his carrying case, was our bulldog puppy, Ringo. 

Weā€™d been on the same stretch of road without seeing another soul for what seemed like an eternity ā€“ nothing but miles of tall corn and wheat fields swaying in the breeze. We talked about everything, especially opening our new veterinary practice ā€“ a huge step in our professional lives but one we were ready for. Our real estate agent sent us photos of our new office with the name boldly printed in black lettering on a light grey awning: Peterson’s Planned PetHood. šŸˆā€ā¬›

Rummaging through the glove box looking for a snack bar, I came across The Beatles White Album. ā€œHey, look what I foundā€ I said, showing the CD to my husband, Doc. 

ā€œExcellent! Put it on, Babe.ā€

Opening the case, I discovered a long-forgotten joint, crushed but still viable. ā€œWhoa! Check it out. This CD comes with a bonus track!ā€  

We lit up, the stale weed snapping and popping as it burned. Even the smallest of tokes resulted in fits of coughing but we still got a decent buzz on. The CD was an incredible find; with each mile down the road we got a little bit higher and a little bit louder singing along to the tunes.

And then there it was ā€“ the unmistakable intro of funky get-down guitar slaps and drum beats leading into ā€˜Why Donā€™t We Do It In The Road?ā€™. We were grooving in our seats, thumping on the car doors, digging the hell out of that song.

Doc pulled the car over onto the shoulder. Lowering his sunglasses down his nose, he looked at me seductively and started singing ā€œNo one will be watching us, why donā€™t we do it in the road?ā€  

ā€œHave you lost your mind? What are you … some horny teenager?ā€ 

ā€œWell, you’re half right, Iā€™ll give ya that. Here we sit … a hot banging Beatles song playing, my incredibly sexy wife in a miniskirt and plenty of road. Listen. Paulā€™s practically begging us to get out of this car and do it IN THE ROAD!ā€

“Your know, we can get plenty cozy right here IN the car” I suggested, slowly stretching my legs on the dashboard.Ā 

Doc laughed and leaned over to kiss me, whispering ā€œWeā€™ve done it IN the car ā€¦ a lot. Cā€™mon, Becca!Ā Ā Letā€™s get down [*kiss*]Ā and dirtyĀ [*kiss*]Ā and do it in the roadĀ [*long hot kiss*].Ā 

It didn’t take much for me and doc to turn each other on. Pushing the ā€˜REPEATā€™ button on the CD player, he grabbed a blanket from the back seat and we ran to the rear of the car. Laughing, I wriggled out of my panties and wrapped my legs around Doc’s waist as we eased ourselves to the ground. 

Just as Paul let loose with the high note, we heard an “Ahem” and froze. Glancing sideways, we saw the shiniest pair of black boots standing two feet from our car. A man’s voice said ā€Pardon me, folks. Trooper Matthew Blake, Oklahoma Highway Patrol. Just as soon as youā€™re finished checking that tow hitch, I suggest you best be on your way.ā€Ā And he walked back to his patrol car humming ā€œWhy Donā€™t We Do It In The Road?ā€.

As he drove by our car, Trooper Blake gave us two short beeps of his horn. We sheepishly got back into our car and continued our journey to Santa Monica. What a lovely little rest stop that had been!

After a few months living in our new digs, doing some online research and making a few calls, I finally discovered the address for the Oklahoma Highway Patrol location of Trooper Matthew Blake. I prepared a small mailing box with a shiny new pair of Ray-Bans and a mini photo of our infant son. A small card read:

One For the Road”
Gratefully ~ Doc, Becca and Matthew Blake Peterson

I smiled imagining what that trooper’s reaction would be when he read our son’s name.

NAR Ā© 2023

Please join me today
for another segment of
At The Movies.
There will be music!



There is a place somewhere called Paris
And Iā€™m going there on vacation today;
A city where every useless worry or care is
Forgotten and carelessly tossed away.

I donā€™t need to see the Eiffel Tower
Or pray at CathƩdrale Notre-Dame.
Iā€™d happily pick a delicate wildflower
Or caress a charming manā€™s arm.

Iā€™d love to stroll through PĆ©re Lachaise,
Have a chat at the grave of Jim Morrison.
Iā€™d play him some tunes like Jimiā€™s ā€œPurple Hazeā€™ā€™,
Just dishing the dirt with that sexy rapscallion.

You won’t catch me near the Seine for dinner;
Much too highbrow and touristy for me.
Seat me at a bar with the saint or the sinner;
Weā€™ll close the place down at quarter past three.

Mona Lisa is enigmatic in a gilt frame so fine
But the thought of the Louvre is a total bore.
Iā€™d rather be laughing in a park drinking wine
Or sharing a smoke on a bench with a whore.

I’ve got nothing to hide; it’s far from a secret:
When it comes to Parisian men Iā€™m a big flirt.
The playboys in the square whisper ā€œCome, be my petā€
And I purr ā€œOui, oui, mon cheri! Who will it hurt?”

There is a place somewhere called Paris
And Iā€™m going there on vacation today.
I’ll give life a sultry lingering French kiss;
When Iā€™m in Paris I like to do things my way.

NAR Ā© 2021