
Inquiring Minds

Written for Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge
and Weekend Writing Prompt #368 where we are
asked to be creative in exactly 100 words incorporating
the prompt words “sleep” and “quaint”. This is my story.

Poe Cottage Photo @ Pinterest

We visited the Poe Cottage this week, former home of the poet Edgar Allan Poe. Itā€™s about a 30 minute drive from my house and I thought my two teenage grandchildren would enjoy the walk-around since theyā€™re both reading the works of Poe in school.

Itā€™s a quaint old place with small bedrooms, a common kitchen-parlor-dining room downstairs and an upstairs loft. My 6ā€™ tall grandson questioned how a grown man could sleep in the tiny bed.

At one point I realized my grandson had gone missing. Imagine my embarrassment when he was found napping in Poeā€™s bed!

Inquiring minds.

Poe Cottage Bedroom Photo @ Pinterest

100 Words

This is ā€œIā€™m So Tiredā€ by the Beatles

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