Short Story

Suspended Animation

Written for Six Sentence Story where we are given a word,
in this case ‘lift’, and asked to incorporate it into a story of
no more than six sentences. This is my true story of family.

Concetta, my mother, 1920

“Mangia il cibo sul tuo piatto, Concetta, o lo mangerai dal pavimento”(“Eat the food on your plate, Concetta, or you will eat it off the floor.”)

Without changing her expression or taking her huge brown eyes off her father Domenico’s face, three year old Concetta picked up a meatball, extended her arm over the side of her highchair and very calmly let it drop to the floor. 


Everyone sat in suspended animation as Domenico deliberately put down his knife and fork and removed the napkin which was tucked into the neck of his shirt; slowly he stood up, walked behind Concetta’s chair, grabbed the back of her dress and lifted her up. 

Holding her feet with his other hand, Domenico lowered Concetta’s face to the floor until her mouth touched the meatball; she tried to turn away, but Domenico pushed her face into the food, forcing her to take the meatball into her mouth, then, satisfied, he sat her back in her highchair, returned to his seat and resumed eating while Concetta languidly chewed what was in her mouth. 

Hesitantly, self-consciously, everyone resumed eating and talking except Concetta’s mother Rosa who sat watching her daughter closely; at the end of the meal as the women cleared the table, Rosa placed a napkin over her defiant daughter’s mouth so she could spit out the uneaten meatball and whispered in her ear “Mai più, Concetta; obbedisci a tuo padre!” – (“Never again, Concetta; obey your father!”) 


This is a true account. Concetta was my mother, Domenico my grandfather. Contrary to what you may think, this is not a story about bullying, abuse or intolerance. This is a tale of another generation, another culture and, while it reads as extreme, I grew up with my grandfather and I can readily say that I adored him, as did my sister and mother. I knew him only as a hard-working, soft-spoken and kind-hearted family man. Do I condone this type of child-rearing? No. However …. 104 years ago, this is how things were done in my grandparent’s Sicilian home.

This is a Sicilian folksong called “Mi votu e mi rivotu” (“I toss and I turn”)

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.