Ovi Poem

Tick Tock Ticking: An Ovi

Ronovan Writes has offered up Ovi Poetry Challenge #52
where we are asked to write an ovi using the word
ā€œtomorrowā€ as inspiration. Here is my ovi.

Songs say time keeps on slipping
Like brooks oā€™er shiny stones tripping
And kids their jumps ropes skipping
It just keeps moving on

Itā€™s safe to say time flies
Like an eagle into the skies
So smoothly, he barely tries
Iā€™d like to touch the clouds

No time to do that now
Worry lines crease the brow
Donā€™t fret about when and how
Nothing good will come from that

No sticking your head in the sand
Itā€™s time to march with the band
And accept a helping hand
It will all get done

Why put it off till tomorrow
When time you cannot borrow
It flies faster than an arrow
Like quicksilver in your fingers

Donā€™t say there is no time
To make another rhyme
Or an old oak tree to climb
You have all the time there is


This is ā€œFly Like An Eagleā€ by Steve Miller Band

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephantā€™s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not to be used without permission. NARĀ©2017-present.