
Feeling Mortal

Written for Six Sentence Story (“grain”)
and What Do You See #237

© Marianna Smiley

Why do I feel so pointless
As a broken vessel to be cast away;
My mark fades now on this true Earth
These eyes are turning from blue to gray.

Why do I feel so shattered
As a window looking far into the Sun;
My words sinking away to the shadows
These eyes beholding the kingdom come.

Why do I feel so useless
As a bag torn and spilling grain;
My mouth confiding forbidden secrets
These eyes downcast in shame.

Why do I feel so helpless
As a bird with a broken wing;
My heart becomes hollow and empty
These eyes searching for a soul to cling.

Why do I feel so unloved
As a beast of burden before the blade;
My hands are cut to the bone and bleeding
These eyes they close in a dream of shade.

Why do I feel so mortal
As a child who is born only to die;
My tongue it tastes the salt of the shore
These eyes have drowned in tears to cry.



This is “Broken Wings” by Mr. Mister

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.