
Revenge Bill

Rochelle at Friday Fictioneers has challenged us
once again to create something amazing
in 100 words or less to go with the photo prompt below.
Here is my 100-word response to that challenge.

© Peter Abbey

“What are they looking at, Bob.”

“Something rather barbaric, Ellen. I think we should just move along.”

“What do you mean ‘barbaric’? Now I’m feeling both disturbed and curious.”

“It’s an execution, Ellen.”

“An execution? Here …. out in the open? When did that become legal?”

“Last week. It’s the “Revenge Bill”. Convicted murderers can be executed the same way they killed their victims. In the cage is the “Bathtub Murderer”. He’ll be lowered into the water and kept there until he drowns. These people watching are the victim’s family members.”

“OMG! That’s dreadful!”

“An eye for an eye, Ellen.”

100 Words

NB: This is a fiction piece and must be regarded as such. My beliefs regarding capital punishment or my political/religions/humanitarian leanings are strictly personal and are not up for discussion on a public forum such as WordPress unless I specifically choose to do so.

This is Unkle with “Eye For An Eye”

This portfolio (including text, graphics and videos) is copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR © 2017-present.