
Demons And Wizards

Written for Weekend Writing Prompt #361;
93 words exactly using the prompt word ‘pilgrimage’

A rare alternate album cover of Heep’s “Demons and Wizards”

It was the early 1970s and the four of us scored tickets to see Uriah Heep in Allentown, PA. It was the dog days of August 
 the kind of sun that blisters your skin in minutes 
 and the concert was outdoors. The drive was 3 hours each way in scorching temperatures but we were going to that concert come hell or high water. Allentown became our Mecca and the road trip our personal hard rock pilgrimage. The details of that day are a little sketchy but the concert was freakin’ awesome.

93 Words

This is “Easy Living” by Uriah Heep

© NAR – Uriah Heep, Allentown Fair Grounds, Aug. 26, 1973

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.

At The Movies, Sixties

AT THE MOVIES (May 4, 2023)

If you need a little boost getting your engine running, I’ve got the perfect number for you today.

“Easy Rider” is a 1969 American independent roaddrama film written by Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Terry Southern, produced by Fonda and directed by Hopper. Fonda and Hopper play two bikers who travel through the American South and Southwest carrying the proceeds from a cocaine deal. 

Released shortly after the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., “Easy Rider” marked a significant change in American filmmaking. Never before had a low-budget, offbeat movie made such an impact on young audiences. Reflecting a chaotic time in a country that was deeply divided in its values, the film’s frank treatment of alternative lifestyles, sexual freedom and drug and alcohol use struck a deep nerve.

If you think back to Tuesday’s In The Groove, you may remember I mentioned “Easy Rider” in my post. I see some of you nodding your heads in agreement. Then you’ll remember the kick-ass power-song from the movie that I also talked about – “Born to Be Wild” by Steppenwolf.

As I said on Tuesday, this song is sometimes described as the first heavy metal song ever written. I do not agree with that but I’m going to let you decide for yourselves. If you’d like a refresher on some heavy metal music, please refer back to Tuesday’s post.

Turn up the volume and strap yourselves in. This is Steppenwolf and they were “Born To Be Wild”!

Vroom chaka laka! That is definitely a rockin’ song!

Now here’s the question of the day, a fairly easy one if you’re familiar with the movie (and you were paying attention to the video):

We already know the stars of “Easy Rider” were Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper. There was a third guy who tagged along for part of the movie. Who is the big name Hollywood star who had his first big acting break appearing along Fonda and Hopper in the movie?

I’ll have the answer for you next week.

Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow with Nick for another great edition of Breaking Boundaries.

Are we having fun yet? I hope to meet up with you again next week At The Movies where we can catch our breath and mellow out. I’ll save you a seat!

See you on the flip side.

I’m The Sicilian Storyteller

NAR © 2023