

Time once again for Friday Fictioneers.
Rochelle has offered up this photo challenge.
This is my 100-word response.

Photo Prompt © Rowena Curtin

This can’t be the right place.

Checked my text message again; yeah, it’s the correct address.

In all my years as Santa Claus, I’ve been sent to a few places that tore my heart out but they were castles compared to this.

Broken windows could only mean no heat. No lights – obviously no electricity.

My white-gloved hand grabbed the fence and it shook as my anger began to rise. How do people exist like this? Why is homelessness allowed to continue?

Dammit! Better get a grip and do my job. Can’t have these sweet kids going without yet another night.

NAR © 2023
100 Words

From 1984, this is “Do They Know It’s Christmas” from Band Aid

This portfolio (including text, graphics and videos) is copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section. NAR © 2017-present.



Rochelle @ Friday Fictioneers
has challenged us once again
to write a 100 word story
using the image below as a prompt.
This is what came to mind.

Photo Prompt © Susan Rouchard

“What is this place, Draco, and why have I never seen it before?”

“Ah, Natalia, this is the most prized room in the castle! Very few know of its existence 
. only those whom I trust implicitly with my deepest secrets, those whom I know will never speak of this room to another living soul.”

“Oh, dearest Draco! Tell me truly. Does this mean you love me?”

“Love you, Natalia? No, my dear. It’s not love that rules my vampiric heart, but lust.”

And with that he ravished her atop the sarcophagus before sinking his teeth into her comely neck.

NAR © 2023
100 Words

This is “Blue Christmas” by Elvis Presley

Please join me today for
Birthday Thursdays.
No fuss, no muss –
nothing but music!



Rochelle @ Friday Fictioneers
has offered up another photo prompt;
this is my 100-word response.


My mother was coming for a visit – just a couple of hours but enough time to give my house the once-over.

I gave up long ago trying to please Mom or meet her unreasonable expectations; nothing I did made her happy or proud so why even bother? Now that I was a mom, spending time with my kids was more important than keeping an immaculate house.

To my surprise, the afternoon with Mom was delightful. As she was leaving, she walked by the pile of shoes in my mudroom and announced with a huff, “Nancy, you are such a disappointment.”

NAR © 2023
100 Words

This is “Motherless Child” by Eric Clapton



Rochelle at Friday Fictioneers is challenging us
once again with a very unusual photo prompt!
This is my 100 word response to her challenge.

© Photo Prompt by Fleur Lind

Dad never learned to drive so mom had to take matters into her own hands.

She got her driver’s license in 1957 at age 40. Oh, she’d driven a bit when she was younger but women drivers in the 30s and 40s was unheard of.

Her first car was a Studebaker Golden Hawk and she ran that thing into the ground, literally.

One blindingly sunny day with the pedal to the metal, mom drove off the road, smashed into the cemetery and dug up a few floral arrangements along the way.

The old Golden Hawk. May she rest in peace.

NAR © 2023
100 Words

This is Drive, She Said with “Pedal to the Metal”



Rochelle at Friday Fictioneers
has challenged us once again
with an intriguing photo prompt.
This is my response.

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The man stood off to the side, silently watching, seething.

They were neighbors, friends at one time 
. brothers, a lifetime ago. When asked to go into business together, he turned his friend down saying it was a foolish venture, throwing good money after bad. He was afraid.

His friend was successful in his business and became wealthy beyond measure while his own life languished. Jealousy turned to self-pity which morphed into anger and hatred so deep and volatile, his head pounded at the sight of his once friend.

And look at her with that flashy red purse. Disgusting.

NAR © 2023
100 Words

This is “My Brother’s Keeper” by Orphaned Land



It’s time once again for Friday Fictioneers.
This is the photo prompt and my take.

Photo Prompt © Roger Bultot

Bet you’re wondering how I ended up here.

It was that little snot Petey and his lackluster efforts in watering the endive plants. One job and he failed miserably.

Well, after being told week after week that he was doing a lousy job, he’d finally found some gumption (ill-placed though it was) and hung me out to dry. What a master twit he turned out to be!

Here I am; I have no arms to pull myself up, no legs to jump down. Guess I’ll be here till the real thing comes along.

What an unfortunate situation this is!

NAR © 2023
100 Words

#gb5ww #gmgblog

This is “Until The Real Thing Comes Along” by The Billie Holiday:



It’s time once again for
Friday Fictioneers.
This is how the photo
prompted me.

Photo Prompt © David Stewart

It was a tradition in my house when I was a kid; Mom made macaroni with gravy meat every Sunday and Thursday.

Nobody called it pasta; it was Ronzoni macaroni. And we didn’t say “sauce” either; it was “gravy”. Meatballs, pieces of pork, beef and lamb, sausages and bracciole – that’s Sicilian “gravy meat”.

Mom’s cooking was absolutely incredible. With the steamy kitchen window open just a crack, the aromas wafted out into the night, beckoning aunts, uncles, cousins and a few neighbors to dinner. Our apartment was always full.

The bright light wasn’t really necessary; everyone just followed their nose.

NAR © 2023
100 Words

This is Louis Prima and “Come On A My House”



Rochelle at “Friday Fictioneers” has challenged us to
write a 100 word piece about how the image below inspired us.
This is my original response to her challenge.

Devin and Charlie jumped out of her car, fiercely kissing and tearing at each other’s clothes.

What great luck for the teens with sex drives in hyper-mode; Devin’s cabin all to themselves while both sets of parents were far off on weekend vacations.

The teens planned to spend every minute in bed.

Devin retrieved the key from her pocket and unlocked the door.

The first shock was the romantic glow in the fireplace. The second? Finding all four parents getting it on 
. and not with their own spouses.

And there stood Devin and Charlie letting it all hang out.

NAR © 2023
100 Words

This is T. Rex with “Bang A Gong(Get It On)



Rochelle at “Friday Fictioneers” has challenged us to
write a 100 word piece about how the image below inspired us.
This is my response to her challenge.

“We’re out of gas, Pepper.”

“Look, Brad! There’s a light! Let’s walk to it.”

“Good idea! Maybe someone can help.”

Arriving at a house, the couple was struck by its serene beauty. They dreamed of owning a home like this.

They knocked and a woman answered.

“May I help you?”

Brad explained their situation; the woman said there were full gasoline cans in the garage and invited them in.

The interior was breathtaking.

“Your house is gorgeous!” exclaimed Pepper.

“Oh, it’s not mine; I’m the selling agent. You interested?”

Brad and Pepper exchanged surprised and delighted glances.

“We’ll take it!”

NAR © 2023
100 Words

This is “Our House” by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.



Photo Prompt © Lisa Fox

Did you ever get the feeling you were being watched?

The forecast for snow turned out to be highly exaggerated as there was barely a coating; much had already melted away.

I’d hiked these woods many times; I was comfortable here and felt safe among the deer and wild birds. Today was different; I couldn’t shake that feeling of being watched.

I scanned the area and that’s when I saw him. You’ll see him, too. Look in the upper left section of the photo. There, hiding behind the grey rock is the face of Edgar Allan Poe.

He’s watching you.

NAR © 2023
100 Words

Here are The Police performing “Every Breath You Take”



© Liz Young

Sixty-something years had passed since that night on Amagansett Beach but the twins and their younger sister had never forgotten.

Their cousin, Susie, had been with them that night. She was the only one who didn’t run from the strange fluorescent orbs as they hovered above the shore. She was imprisoned, locked in place, arms reaching heavenward.

Susie was never the same after that night. Only ten years later, she died of unknown causes.

Now there were new reports of luminous globes suspended over the waters of Amagansett Beach; the twins and their sister felt an inexplicable compulsion to return.

NAR © 2023
100 Words

Author’s Note: This story is based on true events experienced by my husband, his twin brother, their sister and their cousin when they were pre-teens. After that night, they never again discussed the mysterious and frightening incident. Quite a few years later during the course of conversation, they were shocked to discover they all had the same disturbing recurring dreams.

This is Dennis Lloyd live at Mitzpe Ramon performing “Alien”:



© Rowena Curtin

“This can’t be the right place, Alex.”

“Well, it’s the address the hotel clerk gave me and our GPS brought us right here.”

Alex and Gwen sat in their car wondering how the little yellow shack by the water could possibly be “the best fish and chips place in all of Liverpool”.

Exiting the car, they were struck by the tantalizing aroma of frying food. Grabbing each other’s hands, they ran to the front of the shack. The smell of fish and chips was mouthwatering and there were at least fifty people in line.

Damn if that clerk wasn’t right!

NAR © 2023
100 Words

This is Jubing Kristianto performing “Fish and Chips”



Every Saturday, as soon as A Stitch In Time opened its doors, my mother was first in line …. and she’d drag me along.

Mother would spend hours going through the new fabric; the store, with its profusion of colors, designs and matching thread, was her fantasy land.

Then Kelly’s Knitting Korner opened next door and mother would lose all sense of time surrounded by cotton candy skeins of wool.

I hated being there. Bored, I’d spin the display racks, play pirate with the knitting needles and wish I was home watching Mighty Mouse.

I never did learn how to knit.

NAR © 2023
100 Words




© Jennifer Pendergast

“Grammy, come see our new homework room. Daddy painted the walls for us. Come look!”

My grandchildren tug at my arms, leading me into their newly decorated room. There were three workstations for them to do their schoolwork, shelves lined with books and a big old wooden chest filled with treasures.

The underwater scenes my son painted were wondrous; honestly, the theme didn’t matter.

It was the memories that came flooding back to me from thirty years ago when he painted the walls of his own room with cartoon characters he created.

“Crying? No, sillies! Just something in my eye.”

NAR © 2023
100 words



Photo Prompt © Roger Bultot

You know how it is when you see a person or hear a name and it sort of rings a bell but it’s not in its usual context so you don’t make the connection?

Yeah, that’s what happened to me when I discovered Carlton’s Candy Coop – my favorite place for all my sweet-tooth cravings.

Chocolates, nougats, peanuts, caramels 
 all those mouth-watering, sugar-rushing, delectable tummy treats that stick to your teeth but you don’t care because they’re just too damn yummy!

Then it hit me. Carlton. Carlton? Carlton! But of course! Carl Carlton was my dentist!

Why, that cheeky bastard!

NAR © 2023
100 Words



We sat in the Gabrielle Dining Room of the Hotel Bennett, the same table by the window where we dined while on our honeymoon five years earlier.

Paul looked so handsome; I couldn’t look away as he smiled at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling ever so slightly.

My dress was his favorite – the black velvet with the daring neckline. After five years of marriage he was still captivated by me.

And I loved him, I truly did.

But business came first.

I whispered “Goodbye, darling”.

Too late, he became aware of the sniper’s laser aimed at his heart.

NAR © 2023
100 Words