

A four-line response to the
photo-prompt challenge below
from Greg @ Four Line Fiction

Image: Abandon Houses / Abandon, Decaying and Forgotten Group – Facebook

“Is there really such a thing as the perfect marriage?” Marcella wondered; at one time she believed the answer was “yes”.

Now, laying on her bed alone in her apartment, Marcella’s head was swimming; after 18 years of marriage, how could she have been so terribly mistaken?

She had discovered a loose thread, one which kept annoying her, and as she toyed with it, pulled on it, every neatly sewn stitch in the tapestry of her life began to unravel until there was nothing left but tatters.

“How does a man who seemed unwaveringly devoted to her and their daughter have another wife and children on the other side of town and everyone knew except her?” Marcella asked herself, her mind now numb; the very idea was staggering and she nearly laughed at how totally preposterous and unimaginable it all was.

NAR © 2023

#gb4lf  #gmgblog

This is Pink Floyd’s “Comfortably Numb”.

Please join me today
as we start a new edition of
In The Groove.
I think you’ll find it
quite enlightening.