Short Story


Denise at GirlieOnTheEdge has challenged us
to write a Six Sentence Story using the word “heart”;
this is my six sentence response.

If only I could touch you,
gently caress your face
and look deeply into your eyes.

If only I could sweetly kiss your mouth
softly like a butterfly on a flower petal
and linger there breathing quietly against your lips.

If only I could run my hands slowly down your arms
and entwine my fingers with yours,
feeling your heart beating against my chest.

If only I could lay beside you
as you run your fingers through my hair,
my bare leg splayed across yours.

If only I could give you my heart
but you are a mere fantasy
and that, I fear, will never change.

If only.


This is The Platters with “Only You”

This portfolio (including text, graphics and videos) is copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR © 2017-present.

Short Story


It’s time for The Unicorn Challenge!
Jenne has provided the photo below
and asks that we respond with a story
not to exceed 250 words.
Here is my 250-word response.

© Ayr/Gray

Russell was tired of my excuses, my insecurities, my hang-ups and what he called “That Sicilian thing that’s 2000 years old”, which would have had more gravitas if I didn’t know it came straight from “Godfather 2″. He was breaking up with me and I was laughing in his face.

He was right, of course. I was a lousy girlfriend and I certainly wouldn’t make him a good wife. I didn’t like sex with him; some of the things he tried to do went on forever and brought me no satisfaction. I was disgusted by what he wanted me to do.

Russell stormed out. Good riddance. That’s when I decided to follow my dream and move to Sicily. Travel arrangements went smoothly and, having spoken previously with the people where I’d be staying, I knew getting accommodations would not be a problem.

My plans came together quickly. I packed a carry-on; more than that I wouldn’t need. In the morning I called for a taxi. Four hours later I was flying across the Atlantic on my way to the town of Erice. The place where I was staying was ancient, located on the top of Mount Erice, far from the useless worries of life. No cares, no distractions.

The bus dropped me off at Sorelle Povere*. My knock on the door was answered by a smiling older woman.  

“May I help you?” she asked.

I told her my name.

“Ah, our newest novitiate!” she declared. “I’m Sister Rosella. Benvenuto! Welcome!”

250 Words
*Sorelle Povere translates into Poor Sisters. The entire name is Sorelle Povere di Santa Chiara Monastero Sacro Cuore which means Poor Sisters of Saint Clara Sacred Heart Monastery, an order of nuns in the town of Erice.

This is “Only The Good Die Young” by Billy Joel

This portfolio (including text, graphics and videos) is copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR © 2017-present.

Short Story

Room With A View

Denise at GirlieOnTheEdge has offered up
another challenge for us – to write a
Six Sentence Story using the word ‘craft’;
this is my story in six sentences.

© Crispina Kemp

It’s quite a view and a little odd that I daydream about living there; I have no idea where “there” is as I only saw a poster one day as I rode by on a crowded bus on my way to work but ever since then I’ve been obsessed with getting out of this hectic, dreary city and moving to that lovely building by the brilliant harbor as I imagine the sun glistening off the ocean every morning and the stars performing a water ballet of harbor lights at night.

I can hear the street vendors calling out to tourists passing by to taste this or buy that 
. children playing tag, their carefree laughter so delightful 
. old women selling glimmering conch and abalone shells by the dock and people stopping by their little tables for small sandy pouches tied with string the color of lapis lazuli nights 
. the baristas at the outdoor cafes brewing fresh coffee from their burlap bags of roasted arabica beans and the baker across the way bringing out sweet fruit tarts and golden pistachio and walnut pies dripping with honey.

There’s a small hazy smoke shop nestled between two larger buildings and men stop by for hand-rolled unfiltered cigarettes and skinny cigars; young, beautiful women and men eye each other across the tables in the antique bookstore, perhaps searching for romance as well as an aged yellowed copy of sonnets and poems.

The orange fishing boat has just returned and her haul was a good one; the little craft is heavy with various fish and the crew expertly fillet the catch while mothers with babies strapped to their backs patiently wait for the fish to be wrapped in brown paper and handed to them for tonight’s dinner.

Somewhere in the distance a church bell chimes and dogs bark at the passing ships; the intoxicating salty aroma of the sea rises up to my room and I fling open the windows to welcome another glorious new day, taking a deep breath as the warmth of the sun caresses my face.

The raspy, tired voice of the overworked bus driver yells out “Fulton Street” and snaps me back to reality, my exquisite daydream temporarily shattered as I exit the bus and head for work reminding myself that someday I will find my way to that cream colored building with the terra cotta roof on the glistening harbor; it’s quite a view, isn’t it?


This is Boz Scaggs with “Harbor Lights”

This portfolio (including text, graphics and videos) is copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR © 2017-present.