
To Hang The Moon

Written for the dVerse Prosery Prompt by Amy Woolard:
“What does it matter that the stars we see are already dead”

“What does it matter that the stars we see are already dead? What does that even mean, Margie?”

“Oh, Nell. If I have to explain it to you, it loses its gravitas, its pathos, doesn’t it?”

“Gravitas? Pathos? I’m sorry .
 when were you named chief cook, bottlewasher and poet laureate?”

Margie gave her friend a dismissive eye roll before turning her back, busying herself with little scraps of paper on her desk.

There was a time the two were like sisters, cherishing a bond they never found with anyone else. Now they barely recognized each other; their conversations were stilted to the point of being painful.

And it all came down to Nicole, a newcomer in their exclusive inner circle …. a renaissance woman and Margie thought she hung the moon.

“I miss us, Margie”

Intense silence. Spoken words were never as wounding.

144 Words

This is “Sisters Of The Moon” by Fleetwood Mac

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.



She lost her dearest friend last night.

Her friend did not die but their precious relationship did. What makes a solid friendship come crashing down like a sandcastle, a friendship we think will test the tides of time and prevail?

The vitriolic words from her friend’s mouth were like a slow-burning poison in her gut. Never had she been so verbally and needlessly attacked. It was shocking; she will never speak with her friend again. Anger of such magnitude reveals a person’s true colors.

What a selfish way to act. What an awful way for a friendship to die.

NAR © 2023
Written for Carrot Ranch Challenge