Ovi Poem

Get A Grip: An Ovi Peace Rap

Written for Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge – ‘safety’
and Weekly Prompts Colour Challenge – ‘blue’. Here’s my piece.

Photo Credit © Caters

What the hell, are you nuts
You trying to prove you got guts
 Spare me the ifs, ands or buts
This is a big mistake, dude

Listen man, I’m doing fine
I’m in the zone, behind the line
My head is clear, my thoughts are mine
Just go somewhere and chill

You ain’t got a safety net
Is this some sort of crazy bet
You’re gonna kill yourself yet
You got a wife and kid at home

Blue skies, nothing is amiss
Clouds float by like lazy fish
Believe me, I have no death wish
I’ve never felt so free

You may think you got a grip
All it takes is one small slip
A twitchy little fingertip
You won’t survive the fall

This world is one insane rat race
We should respect our brother’s space
And live our days in peace and grace
It could be as simple as that


This is “Mr. Blue Sky” by ELO

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.