
Silent Labors

Written for Friday Fictioneers where we are
challenged to write something creative in
100 words or less using the photo below.
This is my story in 100 words.

They walk five miles to work every other day, softly conversing in Italian. They unlock the side door and go directly to the closet. Dragging out their supplies, they stop talking and address their task.

Kerchiefs holding back their hair, hands protected by rubber gloves, they uncap their jars of Murphy’s Oil Soap and add a small amount to their buckets of water. It doesn’t take much of the lemon-scented solution to polish every pew.

These are the church ladies. They labor silently for three hours. When done, they leave the church in darkness except for the luminous bell tower.

100 Words

This is “The Bells ~ I. Allegro Ma Non Tanto by Sergei Rachmaninoff

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.