
A Little Alone Time

Sammi at Weekend Writing Prompt
has challenged us to write something clever
in exactly 91 words, using the word “intent”.
This is my response in exactly 91 words.

Angie eased into the bathtub.

Her once lithe and graceful body had been rebelling for a while; now it had declared mutiny.

She didn’t expect to have free time today so this moment of solitude was bliss.

Angie barely had time to relax when she heard the persistent nudging on the door; a black paw soon found its way into the narrow opening.

Sidney, the cat.

He was intent on getting into the bathroom to see what Angie was up to without him.

“Sid!” Angie scolded playfully. “A little privacy, please!”

91 Words

This is Rufus Wainwright with “Alone Time”

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