
Uncle Bobby And The Spiders From Mars

Written for Friday Fictioneers where we are
encouraged to write something creative in
100 words or less using the photo below as
inspiration. This is my 100-word story.

Photo © Mr. Binks

Uncle Bobby had this irrational fear of spiders. Well, it was irrational to his family; for him it was very real.

So when the new amusement park ride Spiders From Mars opened, Uncle Bobby wouldn’t go near it.

Everyone tried convincing him the ride wasn’t jinxed or dangerous but he wasn’t buying it. All their urging and encouragement fell on deaf ears. Uncle Bobby watched from the shadows as his nieces and nephews went for a spin.

That night the ride malfunctioned; several family members were killed, unceremoniously hurled out of the park.

Guess Uncle Bobby’s fear wasn’t so irrational. 🕷️

100 Words

This is “Ziggy Stardust” by David Bowie

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.