
I’m Sorry: A Dectina Refrain

Written for Sadje’s What Do You See #232

Image credit: Josue Escoto @ Unsplash

for the things
I said and did.
There’s no greater pain
than brothers grown apart.
How I have prayed for this day
when we put our anger to rest
and cried “I love you, my dear brother”.
I’m sorry for the things I said and did.


This is “I’m Sorry” by John Denver

Dectina Refrain:
This poem is written as follows:
1st line – 1 syllable, 2nd line – 2 syllables
3rd line – 3 syllables, and so on for 9 lines;
the 10th line is comprised of the first four lines

and is a stand-alone 10-syllable line.

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.