

Dedicated to my sister for her ceaseless loving care.

My elderly mother stood by the window, her hand pulling back a section of curtain. โ€œMom, what are you doing up? Itโ€™s nearly 3AM.โ€

Without turning to look at me, she replied. โ€œIโ€™m waiting for my husband. Heโ€™s returning from the war and will be home any minute.โ€

I closed my eyes and sighed in resignation. One moment she was lucid, the next her mind clouded over like wintry days. I couldnโ€™t bring myself to tell her the truth again.

โ€œHere, Mom. Lie down. Try to get some sleep.โ€

She closed her eyes as I silently left her room.

NAR ยฉ 2023