Short Story

Some Kind Of Innocence

Written for The Unicorn Challenge where we are
encouraged to write creatively in 250 words or less
using the photo below as inspiration. Here’s my story.

© Ayr/Gray

“No! Didn’t do it!” wailed Robbie, the dishwasher at Michael’s.

The waitstaff ran into the kitchen when they heard the crash. Shattered crystal covered the kitchen floor …. the new glasses for the lounge’s grand opening. 

Robbie huddled in the corner like a little boy, wiping his runny nose on his sleeve. He was a 32 year old man with the mind of an eight year old, courtesy of that one decisive extra chromosome 
. a little thing called Down Syndrome. Robbie’s brother Gary, the maĂźtre d’, crouched next to him while everyone stood in awkward silence. 

“Robbie, accidents happen” Gary said calmly. “C’mon now. Everyone will pitch in.” 

The crew began sweeping up …. everyone except Vic, the bartender. 

“Not me. I ain’t helpin’!” snarled Vic. “It was that moron’s fault. He shouldn’t be around normal people!”

Michael Banks, the lounge owner, stormed into the kitchen. â€œWhat the hell’s going on?!” Slowly he looked around, taking in the whole scene, then asked everyone to leave except Robbie, Gary and Vic.

“Robbie, it’s ok” Michael said. “Talk to me. Tell me what happened.”

Robbie sniffled. “I saw the boxes but I didn’t touch them, cross my heart and hope to die. Vic rushed in the back door and pushed me into the boxes.”

“You lyin’ freak!” sneered Vic. “Look, Mr. B. I’m tellin’ ya I didn’t do nothing. Who ya gonna believe – that retard or me?” 

“That’s enough! It’s over!” Michael barked. “Grab a broom. We’re opening tonight on schedule.” 

250 Words

This is “Hey Bulldog” by the Beatles

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not to be used without permission. NAR©2017-present.

29 thoughts on “Some Kind Of Innocence”

  1. And Michael’s not canning Vic? Must be because he would suffer from being short-staffed. Vic got off way too lightly.

    The one thing about those with Down’s is they don’t know how to lie.

    Nicely crafted, Nancy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. so… there is a consensus of the most deficient human personality, (avoiding the easier, more-satisfying-on-a-certain-level) characterization of evil), that being, ‘bully’.

    A sure sign of good writing? This story (and attendant comments) inspires me to re-think that most original of stories, i.e. The Garden of Eden episode in Genesis.

    hmm, have to save that for another week’s ‘corn.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. (Don’t tell anyone…) but, imho, the bully wasn’t Eve (kinda a clark), nor Adam (can you say roger (“God, I’ve named all your animals and now I’m bored…”) and, to no one’s surprise not Mister Serpent (a deviously charming scott if ever there was one)… won’t name names of the offending character…)


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