
Bumble, Mumble

Written for Friday Fictioneers where Rochelle
encourages us to get creative in 100 words or less
using the photo below for inspiration. Here’s my story.

Triplet bumblebees Bizz, Bozz, and Buzz loved to bob from plant to flower to vine in the neighborhood alley. It was so bucolic, even the occasional visitor didn’t bother them.

Being such busy bees, they barely noticed the giant structure by the entrance.

“What’s that thing?” they asked in unison.

Keep back! It’s a trap” warned Groucho the Grasshopper. “People say bad ideas are inside, dangerous goings-on about a Very Hungry Caterpillar, an Ant Bully and Bug Muldoon.”

The terrified triplets trembled, their little knees knocking.

 “Bugger off now, boys! You don’t wanna be here when the soldier bees arrive!”

100 Words

This is “Sons of 1984” by Todd Rundgren

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not to be used without permission. NAR©2017-present.

29 thoughts on “Bumble, Mumble”

      1. Absolutely.

        Ah hah! I am not surprised.

        And I love watching that video. It really shows perfectly how a piece is played. I am in awe. My friend, who is disgustingly talented in so many things, has started taking piano lessons (we are 60). She had taken lessons some 50 years back so she had some knowledge but I am at level zero. Not that I have, nor desire, a piano. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That’s very cool for your friend to be taking up piano. I started lessons at age 7; that lasted about 8 years and I got pretty good at the piano but didn’t play much after that. I took it up again about 20 years ago, and organ, too, but after my knee replacement in 2011 I couldn’t move my legs fast enough to play the organ pedals. I stopped playing organ but still play the piano occasionally. I hope to teach Colette.

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          1. It is. She took up pottery, too. You should see the beautiful pieces she makes. And she’s a wonderful photographer. Some just have that artistic gene.
            I remember going to another friend’s house and the father insisted they all learn an instrument (he, by the way, plays nothing!). Mom already played piano so they took up: Saxophone, clarinet, flute and violin… I was always in awe of that.
            How lovely to be taught by Nonna!

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