Birthday Thursdays, Music Blog

Birthday Thursdays

Welcome to Birthday Thursdays! Each week I will feature someone from the world of music whose birthday falls on this day. There won’t be any chit chat from me, no facts and figures – just some great tunes (and an occasional surprise). Check it out right here every Thursday and enjoy the music.

Happy Birthday to Bruce Johnston
Born June 27, 1942 in Peoria, Illinois

“Good Vibrations”

“Surfin’ USA”

“Wouldn’t It Be Nice”

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use without permission which I usually give when asked. NAR©2017-present.

33 thoughts on “Birthday Thursdays”

  1. I attended a 3-year high school in Santa Monica (SAMOHI) – an “open” campus 4 blocks from the beach. And although technically the official school song was something titled ‘Hymn Of Praise’, every single Friday noon pep rally in the Greek Theatre ended with the cheerleaders dancing to The Beach Boys’ ‘GOOD VIBRATIONS’. Every student knew what the real school song was, regardless of what school officials said. The Beach Boys are still one of my all-time favorites, and that song will ALWAYS instantly take me back to those Friday pep rallies!

    School being only 4 blocks from the beach wasn’t easy. Sometimes I would go to the beach for lunch and “forget” to return to school afterwards. Other times I would just cut my ‘Art’ class and get an early jump on lunch, and the rest of the day… at the beach.

    ~ D-FensDogG

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  2. Still one of my favourite bands. I was born and brought up by the coast here, and though it wasn’t quite LA their music was always a great backdrop in the cafes and amusement arcades I worked in as a student. It felt like we were there with them!

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