
On The Rocks – Part 3: In The Beginning

Written for The Unicorn Challenge where we are
encouraged to write a story in 250 words or less
using this photo as our inspiration. Here is my story.

© Ayr/Gray

Handsome Nigel Forsythe taught history at the university where Camilla Saunders was the librarian. His penchant for crime novels brought him to Camilla’s desk every week. She was a mousy thing with dull hair and thin lips but splendid breasts for which Nigel had a hankering.

When he asked her out for coffee, she accepted. Getting to know one another was excruciating but Nigel persevered, no doubt spurred on by the thought of getting into Camilla’s blouse.

On their fourth coffee date, Nigel suggested they do “something different”; Camilla was apprehensive but went along. They drove to a secluded park with meandering pathways and steps that seemingly led to nowhere.

“Aren’t the flowers lovely, Camilla?” Nigel asked and was rewarded with a thunderous sneeze.

“Allergies” Camilla complained.

“Watch the ivy, Camilla. We wouldn’t want you getting your heels caught up in it.”

“Nigel, this looks like poison ivy. I’m allergic and don’t have my EpiPen! Why did you insist on bringing me to this horrible jungle?”

“It’s hardly a jungle, Camilla, and the view from the top is to die for.”

With each step Camilla’s breathing became more labored until she was near collapse.

Camilla turned. Nigel was stunned to see her blouse soaked with sweat and clinging to her heaving breasts. He grabbed her shoulders, planting a hungry kiss on her cadaverous lips.

Camilla broke away, slapped Nigel and ran down the steps to the car. They drove back to the university in stony silence.

Nigel was not deterred.

Here is Part 1 & Part 2

250 Words

This is “Love Bites” by Def Leppard with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not to be used without permission. NAR©2017-present.

37 thoughts on “On The Rocks – Part 3: In The Beginning”

  1. I had to stop and read bits out loud to my hubby as I read this. These characters are hilarious. Love the ending. Perfect.

    So, this is a prequel, I’m thinking. I read the first two episodes, set years later, and there’s definitely no improvement in this relationship at all. Camille and Nigel should have read the title pinned to this episode – they were ‘on the rocks’ before they even got started. (That title’s brilliant btw). They were forewarned. Not every author would be so kind to her characters.

    Can’t wait to find out what’s next – a pre-prequel?? And there is, of course, the ‘to be continued’ at the end of episode 2. Is Nigel going to get away scot free?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you enjoyed my story enough to share it with your hubby; these two characters are great fun to write!

      Continuing stories can be tricky and I had no intention of writing a prequel but did so for two reasons: 1) This Uni pic provided a good backdrop for a prequel, and 2) I haven’t figured out yet what Nigel is going to do once he leaves Sicily! I have a couple of plots running through my head but nothing definite; writing a prequel bought me a little time.

      I don’t want Nigel to get away with this; he’s such a prig. But the truth is his crime is not reporting Camilla’s fall …. he didn’t kill her. Well, anything is possible inside my head so once I know where I want this to go, you’ll be among the first to find out!

      Thanks so much, Margaret! I always enjoy our post-story conversations.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, I am a fifty-five-year-old woman living in the SW with a rising and moon fire sign, so yes, I am very warm. 😂 You know, us writers and our (overactive) imaginations. A blessing isn’t it! You’re very welcome, Nancy!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Right, so I’ve been back to read the first two and I still want to slap Nigel.
    Mind you, I want to slap Camilla too.
    Or tell her to go and listen to ‘Take a walk on the wild side…’
    That or ger breast reduction surgery and find another man.😉
    But the tenson’s building nicely, Nancy…
    And I’m holding out for some nice, juicy revenge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What was I thinking taking on a continuing series while I have my fingers in so many other WP pots? Fortunately, I’m under no time restrictions.

      I want to pummel both of them (it’s always fun when we become so invested in our characters!) Nigel will get his; what that is I still need to figure out.

      Thanks for your excellent comments and for going back to read the other installments. Much appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Destiny. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I started this series! Keeping a continuing story going is not easy while writing about so many different topics (poetry, music, etc). I’m delighted to know you found this piece intriguing. I hope I can keep the momentum going. đŸ©¶

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I found it quite interesting, Nancy….some of us find it difficult to find a beginning sometimes lol…you worked this almost backwards… really good…

        …and most welcome đŸ€

        Liked by 1 person

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