
Of Memories And Dreams

Written for Friday Fictioneers where our gracious host, Rochelle,
encourages us to get creative in 100 words or less using this photo
as our inspiration. Here is my 100-word photo-inspired story.

© Roger Bultot

Funny thing about dreams and memories; sometimes it’s difficult to tell them apart. Sometimes I just don’t want to.

That summer …. after the breakup …. I needed to be alone …. to think …. to put the hurt behind me. A few days at that motel on the beach seemed like a good idea at the time. 

Everywhere I walked …. everything I saw …. reminded me of you. The scent of salt water. Scattered shells and seaweed. That song. Hot summer nights. Stars so close you could touch them.

Memories and dreams of you …. they’re funny that way.

100 Words

This is “In Dreams” by Roy Orbison

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not to be used without permission. NAR©2017-present.

61 thoughts on “Of Memories And Dreams”

  1. Touching story.

    At the end we have memories & our loved ones thankfully visit our dreams. It looks so real that we can touch them and feel it is all so true.

    Have experienced this after my mother passed away. Even today, I feel she is here…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The memories and dreams are where she wants to be, I think. She’s not ready to let go, move on, yet. Beautifully drawn picture of her heartbreak and how she has to live in it, remembering the good times, until they loosen their hold on her. Lovely song.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautifully done, Nancy. That “sometimes I don’t want to” says so much.

    I have never been one to pine after a breakup. Mind you, doesn’t mean certain songs, things, etc. don’t remind me of them 😉

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    1. That line set the stage; I’m glad I thought of it. 😁

      Considering I met Bill at age 17, I haven’t experienced too many romantic breakups …. except, of course, for little Stevie Tallarico and my Kookie-lookalike!! 😉

      So many songs, so many memories. 🎶🎶🎶

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          1. Hahahaha! Something tells me if we sat down with a drink, we’d have LOADS to chat about!

            That is such a beautiful thing, Nancy. I am so happy for you both. Mick and I would have been together 29 years this month. Wow…. you’ve just reminded me 💞

            Liked by 1 person

  4. And the magnificent song from the big “O” explains it all so beautifully Nancy …
    Dreams of The Heart

    I cannot walk the continents
    Like the intrepid Marco Polo
    But my feet have felt the sands of time
    Pass between my toes

    I have not sailed the high seas
    Like the courageous Christopher Columbus
    But my body has bathed
    In an ocean full of kind hearts

    I’m yet to fly in space
    Like the brave Neil Armstrong
    But I have reached for the stars
    And touched my soul’s dreams

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