Short Story

Forever Home

Sadje is asking us What Do You See – #241
Here is my response.

© Colin Maynard @ Unsplash

It’s 8AM at the humane society and all the residents are enjoying their freshly cleaned digs, and that means nice crisp newspapers lining the floor, just in case. Accidents happen, you know!

Today they’re in for a special treat; the papers are opened to the birth announcements page!

All the pups are besotted by the photo of a beautiful baby with big blue eyes. Sure looks like a playful and happy little tyke! They stare longingly at the baby’s photo, wistfully talking among themselves about the greatest thing that could happen to them, the one thing that would change their lonely doggie lives …. to be adopted and to find themselves in a new forever home with a special friend to play with and grow up with …. just like this little guy.

“It sure would be swell, wouldn’t it?” they ask each other, visions of blankets, chew toys and bouncy rubber balls swirling in their heads. “Maybe today will be our lucky day!”

At 9AM the humane society opens its doors to the public and a few families start streaming in. Most of the parents are being tugged by eager kids hoping to find a best friend to share their home and their lives. Everyone is optimistic and excited.

Today is a big day …. maybe it will be their lucky day!


Shelter dogs react to being adopted. Don’t shop …. adopt!

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not to be used without permission. NAR©2017-present.

33 thoughts on “Forever Home”

  1. We wonder HOW they know. My kitty, Beau, warm in my lap this a.m. howled and stuck his paws through his cage at the humane society when the kids and I came by looking for a pet to adopt. We brought that kitten home 13 years ago. 💙💜💙

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  2. Reminds me of my granddaughter (a year old at the time) coming with me to the shelter to look at dogs. Once she and Fanta saw each other, no other decision was possible, no matter whether or not I wanted to look at other dogs. They just sat giving each other kisses through the bars. It was love at first sight.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome. I’ve considered doing that type of volunteer work many times, but I hesitate because I think my heart would break every time and I would want to adopt all of them, but I also think it would be rewarding and I am sure the need is great. Bless him yes! 💕

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  3. Nice wee story – clever connection, linking the baby to adopting dogs.

    (I’ve worked with dogs – my own dog walking / pet care business – for over 17 years. That bloke’s doing an amazing job. 😀👏🐕🐾)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you enjoyed this little story, Cee Tee; I really wanted to do something a bit different.

      You’re not kidding about that …. he’s pretty impressive. His exchange with the dogs is the main reason I chose that video.

      Thanks for your great comments!

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