Music Blog

Friends & Family Friday 5.24

It’s true that Miley Cyrus has become a huge musical star, but did you know she has quite the talented family? We’re all familiar with her famous father, Billy Ray Cyrus, her legendary godmother, Dolly Parton – but what of her four talented siblings?

The youngest child in the Cyrus clan is 24-year-old Noah who has carved out quite an impressive career of her own. In terms of fame, Noah is probably second only to Miley. Her breakout hit, “Make Me (Cry)” earned her a spot on the Billboard Hot 100 right out of the gate at the age of 16. Since that time, her career has only grown. Her unique brand of thoughtful pop has made her one of the most enticing young acts in the game today.

In an interview with American fashion magazine V, Noah Cyrus said this about “Make Me (Cry)” and her video co-performer, Labrinth: “It was really conversational. Labrinth had a chorus, and we started just going back and forth writing lyrics together. It turned into being about a toxic love.” Teen Vogue described the song as “a gut-wrenching power-ballad that will resonate with anyone who has suffered a broken heart, reinforcing the idea that it’s possible to be lonely even when in a relationship and that being with someone can create more pain than being alone.”

The video depicts the two singers waking up in their respective beds with their partners who are seemingly disinterested in their affection. In alternating shots, we see Noah’s sadness, and then Labrinth’s, and back again as they sing about their significant others. As the song reaches its climax, we can see the duo at the same time in split screen; their raging words give off major “wrecking ball” vibes …. deep thoughts from the mind (and pen) of such a young artist.

This is “Make Me (Cry)” by Noah Cyrus featuring Labrinth

Thanks for stopping by and playing a tune with me.

See you on the flip side. 😎


All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.

38 thoughts on “Friends & Family Friday 5.24”

        1. Yeah but it’s been Americanized …. the result of generations of mispronunciation. It works. It broadly signifies frustration, upset, disgust …. you get the picture.

          “Jeez, that bozo gave me salami instead of pepperoni! Oofah!”

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  1. I have been enjoying Noah’s singing for awhile now, too. There is a song that’s been playing on my radio station that I particularly like and I am having a major brain fart on the title! Oh well… Thanks for sharing this one 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was going to suggest Noah to you for this series but it seems I didn’t need to. I’m a big fan of her music, and this one is a long way from being my favourite of hers: that’s how good she is! And she (mostly) keeps her clothes on, too 😊

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      1. My memory must be going in my old age, but I’m glad I did and that you followed it up. If you want to hear more of her there are a couple of her songs in the post I shared in response to Jim’s comment. One of them has whistling in it – but I try not to repeat songs for SLS 😉

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