
And Then He Knows

Written for Friday Fictioneers where we are asked to
write something creative in 100 words or less using
the photo below as inspiration. This is my story.

He walks on the beach with his dog, just as he always does. They have a routine. He tosses the ball, the dog brings it back. It’s all very natural and civilized.

Except for this night.

When the dog returns, he has a purse hanging from his mouth. He drops the purse and runs back to where he found it.

Looking in the purse, he sees a cell phone. Hers. The last call dialed was to him. He chases the dog; there’s a body sprawled on the rocks near the water.

And before he sees her, he knows who it is.

100 Words

This is “O Fortuna” from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.

47 thoughts on “And Then He Knows”

  1. A whole story hinted at in this great and tense snapshot, Nancy.
    It has my mind working overtime…

    And I LOVE the Carmina Burana.
    The finale produces the same effect in me as the finale of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.
    Thanks for this reminder.
    And off I go… ‘Oh, oh, oh, totus floreo, iam amore virginale totus ardeo…’
    (I was one of the ‘ruffians’ in our school production of this a hundred years ago! Can’t sing, but any excuse to get out of Maths!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, Jenne! We can all sing …. at least in our hearts!

      I’m so glad to see you here; thanks for stopping by. I’m also pleased you like this story of mine bc you’ll be seeing it again tomorrow …. longer and (hopefully) just as shocking.

      Thank you!


    1. For the sake of brevity that info was left out. It was likely an unfortunate dropped call. The dog walking was a regular thing; perhaps our dead friend knew that and wanted to be ensured of being found by him.


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