
Love Bites

Written for Friday Fictioneers where we are asked to get
creative in 100 words or less using this photo as inspiration.
Here is my story.

Photo Prompt © Lisa Fox

Locking eyes across the room, Jaclyn and Mark gave each other the signal. A discreet nod toward the door meant it was time to bail on the noisy frat party. Clutching each other’s hands, the teens bounded down the stairs and ran across the yard until they reached the thick grove of tall maple trees.

Fiercely kissing, they fell to the ground, groping and tearing at their clothes.

Mark, my hair is stuck in some sticky glop” Jaclyn protested, then screamed as she spied the enormous web suspended over them.

Too late, Mark felt the agonizing sting of giant toxic pincers.


This is “Love Bites” by Def Leppard

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.

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