
Demons And Wizards

Written for Weekend Writing Prompt #361;
93 words exactly using the prompt word ‘pilgrimage’

A rare alternate album cover of Heep’s “Demons and Wizards”

It was the early 1970s and the four of us scored tickets to see Uriah Heep in Allentown, PA. It was the dog days of August … the kind of sun that blisters your skin in minutes … and the concert was outdoors. The drive was 3 hours each way in scorching temperatures but we were going to that concert come hell or high water. Allentown became our Mecca and the road trip our personal hard rock pilgrimage. The details of that day are a little sketchy but the concert was freakin’ awesome.

93 Words

This is “Easy Living” by Uriah Heep

© NAR – Uriah Heep, Allentown Fair Grounds, Aug. 26, 1973

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.

45 thoughts on “Demons And Wizards”

  1. Have you got some sneaky CCTV planted in my record collection? I have this one and several more too. 🙂

    All early (Dave Byron era) Heep .. and even later, yeah – are incredible. Right up there with the true heavyweights – though I do feel sometimes they didn’;t get the credit they were due – perhaps coz they were overshadowed by likes of Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath and a few others.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha!

      I couldn’t agree more about Heep not getting the credit due; let’s face it …. the unholy trinity of Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Sabbath …. they’re tough to beat. I’d like to hear the band that does better than them.

      We only have the early recordings with Byron in our Heep collection. They’re still touring, you know, and Mick Box is still with them on guitar. Incredible.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Cee Tee.

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  2. “Details of that day are sketchy, but the concert was freakin’ awesome.”

    As it should be. And why we do that stuff when we’re young. The memories bring laughter and light! 🖤❤🖤

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    1. Your comment reminds me of the time I called into one of those radio request shows and asked them to play something by Uriah Heep. There was silence for about 3 seconds before the guy said “Who?” Of course, being the wit that I am I replied, “Not The Who, asshole! Uriah Heep!

      Don’t worry, Sighs; I’d never call you that. 😊

      Bookstore! You crack me up! 😂😂

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  3. As a teenager I worked evenings, weekends and school holidays in the big entertainment complex on the Folkestone seafront. Saturday nights were rock band concerts, and I was working the time that Uriah Heep played there. I’ve never heard anything so loud in my life!

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    1. They were very loud. Being outdoors did cut down on the volume a bit although their amps were about as big as an SUV and it was the smallest venue I’ve ever been to. It was like being at a county fair. Those pie vendors didn’t know what hit them! 🤣

      I have a photo somewhere; I need to dig it out.

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      1. Imagine what that was like in a confined space. The office was on the top floor of the building and we could only talk to each other between songs. They really shook the place. I’d be interested to see that photo 😊

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