
I’m Sorry: A Dectina Refrain

Written for Sadje’s What Do You See #232

Image credit: Josue Escoto @ Unsplash

for the things
I said and did.
There’s no greater pain
than brothers grown apart.
How I have prayed for this day
when we put our anger to rest
and cried “I love you, my dear brother”.
I’m sorry for the things I said and did.


This is “I’m Sorry” by John Denver

Dectina Refrain:
This poem is written as follows:
1st line – 1 syllable, 2nd line – 2 syllables
3rd line – 3 syllables, and so on for 9 lines;
the 10th line is comprised of the first four lines

and is a stand-alone 10-syllable line.

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.

40 thoughts on “I’m Sorry: A Dectina Refrain”

  1. Lovely poem. A simple sorry and a hug makes up for a lot. And thanks for sharing the Denver song. Hadn’t listened to this one in a long while.


  2. I’m catching up with my inbox, going backward so this dectina is particularly poignant now that your husband lost his beloved brother. Big hugs sent your way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMGoodness, Dale! You’re so right! I haven’t checked for comments on anything but my most recent posts and I’m not going to backtrack an entire week; people will understand. But I’m so glad I saw this one. It really is a timely piece for me now. ❤︎


  3. Dectina wonderful, N!

    I only have 2 brothers left to hug. Twins, 12 Years younger than I am. One’s a (retired) Neo-Nazi prison guard, and the other’ s about half-way through his 25-to-Life prison sentence for 2nd degree murder. I only hug my sister.

    Liked by 1 person

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