
Fever Pitch: A Haibun

Written for dVerse where we are asked to celebrate
the arrival of spring by writing a haibun
that alludes to the first [cherry] blossoms [hatsu hana]


It was five, maybe six years ago ā€¦. Iā€™ve forgotten ā€¦. but it was April, that much Iā€™m sure of because the legion of cherry trees dotting the shimmering green lawn surrounding the hospital was starting to bloom. That was the Spring I almost died from pneumonia. Funny, I canā€™t recall the year but I remember one particular bud on the cherry tree which I could see very clearly through my hospital room window. As I became sicker with each passing day, the bud thrived, almost as if I was giving it my life force. The day the pink and white blossom fully opened was the day my fever broke.

pink bud unfurling
branches reaching for the sun
life resurrected


This is Perez Prado with ā€œCherry Pink And Apple Blossom Whiteā€

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephantā€™s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NARĀ©2017-present.

47 thoughts on “Fever Pitch: A Haibun”

      1. I love that. I don’t associate the lily with anything (not my favourite flower, to boot). New life could also be lilacs but I love that you choose the cherry tree. And lucky you!

        Awwww… I am touched šŸ™‚

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