
Frosted Flakes

Our lovely host, Rochelle, at Friday Fictioneers
has offered up this photo prompt to inspire us
to write creatively using 100 words or less.
This is my 100-word story from days in Montauk.

© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Surf rods are the heaviest and longest rods you can get. They’re designed to cast very far distances and pull in heavier fish from breaking waves. Depending on which bait you’re using – worms, squid, bunker – you’ll need to choose the right rig.”

Bill quietly explained to our pre-school boys, blissfully ignoring the fact that the rods were four times taller than them.

“This is a science, boys. You have to be patient and psyche out the fish.” The kiddos were gleefully lost in their mini boxes of Frosted Flakes.

Bill was content; this was cherished father/son time. Pivotal first steps.

100 Words

This is “Just Fishing” by Trace Adkins

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR©2017-present.

70 thoughts on “Frosted Flakes”

  1. Lovely story! I’m glad Bill isn’t discouraged. These are the kinds of moments that do stick with us forever, even if Frosted Flakes seem more interesting at the time…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Nancy,

    Such a sweet story. At least Bill is patient and seems to realize it’s about the together time and not really about the fishing lesson. Well done. I enjoyed the video as well.



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Tiffany –
      No idea why I’m just now finding a bunch of your comments in my spam folder! So sorry for that!
      Thank you for your heartfelt thoughts about your dad; it doesn’t get any easier as we get older, does it? I’m happy the music moved you today. I appreciate you taking the time to stop and read.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, D! Parenting doesn’t have to be a nightmare if we learn to just go with the flow.

      Do you like the new look of my site? I was tired of the big header graphic and wanted to go with something basic and (hopefully) classy looking.


  3. Bill’s content. I like that. He’s building good stuff into the ‘kiddos’, and it won’t be wasted, even though he’s being upstaged by the frosted flakes right now. Beautiful story. Great ending: ‘pivotal first steps’ – perfect.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bill is always content and quite agreeable. He’s a good one. The kiddos are grown with kiddos of their own; now Bill’s doing the same with the grands …. and continues to be upstaged by Frosted Flakes!

      Thank you, Margaret. Your comments are always so gracious.


      1. Thank you, Nancy. 🙏 So many lasting lessons learned in those moments, sitting in a quiet boat with my dad, surrounded by beautiful nature. Very special, yes.

        I didn’t make the connection at first, but Frosted Flakes was my dad’s favorite cereal. 💕 Thank you.

        Liked by 1 person

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