
Working Man

Our gracious host Rochelle at Friday Fictioneers
has another intriguing photo for us to reflect on
and create something clever in 100 words or less.
In 100 words, this is what the photo said to me.


Gary finished heating up his Hungry Man TV dinner ā€¦. fried chicken with a side of mash, corn and a big honking brownie for dessert. His stomach grumbled at the aroma of that juicy breast still sizzling hot from the oven.

ā€œMan, this is the life!ā€ Gary thought. He plopped down onto his beloved Barca-Lounger and popped open a Mountain Dew, swigging half the bottle in three huge gulps followed by an explosive burp.

Every weekday mopping floors at the local elementary school, decorating his trailer with cool stuff from Lost and Found.

ā€œFuckinā€™ A! Itā€™s a freakinā€™ ā€˜Monkā€™ marathon!ā€

100 Words

This is Loverboy with ā€œWorking For The Weekendā€

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephantā€™s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NARĀ©2017-present.

68 thoughts on “Working Man”

  1. Dear Nancy,

    I’m flooded with memories of fried chicken TV dinners in aluminum trays. He’s living the life. Although, to me, a Monk marathon sounds like a pleasant way to spend the evening. šŸ˜‰ Nicely done.



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Rochelle!

      Those TV dinners certainly were revolutionary and the individual folding TV tables, too.

      Monk was one of the best characters, fantastically portrayed by Tony Shalhoub. What a great ensemble cast!

      Gary is indeed living the life!

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


  2. Great story, but I don’t know. I had to ponder this man.

    I confess to being brain washed into loftier goals. But then…

    how much is enough and how long is long enough?

    Maybe Gary knows something I do not. I have read that to have all he has is to be better off (richer) than a significant portion of humanity.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. There are quite a few WP peeps claiming to be ‘anonymous’. What’s up with that?

        The chicken dinner does sound good, far better than the questionable meat loaf. Lost & Found can be a treasure trove for some and not nearly as desperate as dumpster diving.

        Thanks for your thoughts, Alicia!


  3. Haha. A picture of true happiness. Gary seems to be a man who has simple tastes and is content with his lot. That’s a rare quality. I love how you’ve added the little detail of how he came by all those nick-packs on the cupboard. It’s good to see what you really look like. I note your comment to Dale about all the photos šŸ˜Š.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was time to show myself in daylight! šŸ˜„

      Honestly, my hubby can’t take a pic if his life depended on it; this really is the only good one. Also, my glasses are ‘transitions’ so by the time he was half-way through the “shoot”, my specs had turned into sunglasses! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜Ž

      Thanks for you great comments, Margaret; they gave me a good chuckle.

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  4. Good food is the best medicine for life, and Gary knows what he likes. Does he have any ambition orcas he reached his professional peak. maybe he can sell some of his creations at the local craft.

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  5. GOSH … I remember when I was first married and ate those TV dinners. I was too tired from work to cook. Now, YUK!!! I don’t know if that was chicken or beef or lab created food. I love this guy. Happy, full to the brim and out there making junk into collectables. I enjoyed where you took the prompt, Nancy. Nicely done … Isadora šŸ˜Ž

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Isadora! My sons were into those dinners after they moved out of the house and got an apartment together. Once they got girlfriends to cook for them, the frozen dinners stopped! šŸ˜‚

      Gary seems to be quite content with his lot in life; I’m so glad you’re enjoying reading about him! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. You know what?ā€‚Say what you will, I am happy for Gary because he is happy/content with his life.ā€‚What more do each of us wish from life?ā€‚Would I wanna hang with Gary? Nope… but that’s okay… each pot has his/her lid…

    Love seeing the real you šŸ˜‰

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Exactly right!ā€‚Gary’s his own man and I bet he’s just as happy without people hanging with him …. although I do enjoy an that Monk!

      That’s one of my favorite expressions …. every pot has its lid.

      Thanks, Dale! My hubs took about 87 pix of me the other day and that was the only good one. šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t doubt he would.

        In French we have one that I like even better. Chaque torchon trouve sa guenille: Each rag finds its tea towel.

        87, eh? I’d be surprised it’s the only good one šŸ˜‰

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