
From Eden

Sammi at Weekend Writing Prompt has challenged us to write
a poem or
prose of exactly 97 words, including the word ‘anfractuous’.
I’ve added
few other prompts I had laying aroundnamely from
FOWC with Fandango, Weekly Prompts Colour Challenge and
Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge. This is my 97-word story.

They lived in lush green perfection of ripe fruit and pristine water. When their misadventures and disobedience angered the Maker, they and their sons were cast out.

One son, a farmer, made an offering of paltry wheat; the Maker was displeased.

The other, a shepherd, offered his firstborn lamb, which pleased the Maker.

In a panic, the jealous farmer killed his brother.

Enraged and saddened, the Maker banished the murderer, condemning him to a life of endless wandering.

Anfractuous paths covered the land. The farmer roamed for years, until blindly falling from a cliff to his death.

97 Words

This is Hozier with “From Eden”

This portfolio (including text, graphics and videos) is copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR © 2017-present.

22 thoughts on “From Eden”

    1. From the dictionary in my MacBook:
      anfractuous | anˈfrak(t)SH(əw)əs |
      adjective rare
      sinuous or circuitous: the line of gold extends and becomes anfractuous.
      anfractuosity | anˌfrakCHəˈwäsədē | noun
      late Middle English: from late Latin anfractuosus, from Latin anfractus ‘a bending’.


      1. Cain became increasingly more senile as he aged, and he liked to place a horn on his head and pretend that he was a unicorn. Cain dropped to the ground when the arrow hit him and he screamed out in pain, so Tubal-Cain shot him again because he thought it was a wounded animal charging at him. He put a stone in his sling, and he flung the stone which landed square in Cain’s face, knocking out both of his eyes. Cain fell down and died, and this was a fitting end that he had been killed by a stone, because he had used a stone to kill Abel.

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