
Pennies From Heaven

Rochelle at Friday Fictioneers has
challenged us with this photo prompt.
Here is my 100-word response.

Photo Prompt © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Sunny Hill Farm. The name alone made me smile.

We never went on vacation when I was a kid; that was for “rich people”.

You can imagine my unbearable glee when it was decided in the summer of ’59 that we would leave The Bronx for five glorious days in a place called Sunny Hill Farm.

Looking at the brochure we declared it to be “perfect” with lush rolling hills, horses, swimming, picnics, barbecues, fresh air and sunshine everywhere.

We loaded up the car, singing all the way to our vacation nirvana …. where it poured and poured for days.

100 Words

This is “Pennies From Heaven” by Billie Holiday

This portfolio (including text, graphics and videos) is copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR © 2017-present.

65 thoughts on “Pennies From Heaven”

  1. Aaaahhh … the Catskills! A favorite vacation spot we traveled
    to many times until we discovered the great beaches in our town.
    We’ve had many vacations with rain. Weather can never be accuate even with an app. The worse vacations are the camping ones. Our only consolation on camping was we didn’t tent camp. Ugh … all the dirt the kids would drag in.
    Sorry, your staory is fabulous. You broguth up many memories for all who have commented. Well done …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Isadora, for these great comments.
      I seem to recall you lived on Long Island (it came up when I mentioned Montauk), so we had that in common and now the Catskills. It is certainly a small world and we meet so many new friends on WP. Just one of the joys of sharing our stories!

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      1. Yes, indeed, there are many things that come up in stories that remind us of days gone by. It’s always nice to read about them. Yes, I lived in Babylon Long Island. We were (hubby) originally from Brooklyn. When we started having children we moved to LI. I think many people traveled to the Catskill from the city, and other boroughs. A close escape without flying. Have a good weekend … 😎


    1. I’m sure it’s happened to everyone at one time or another. We used to rent a beach house for a few weeks during the summer; when you’re gone for an extended period of time, your bound to get plenty of good weather days. I felt sorry for the people who came out for a weekend and got nothing but rain. You just have to make the most of it or be miserable in a hotel room. ☹️

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  2. Excellent double-dip, Nancy!
    Reminds me of when we went down to the Catskills for a vacation on a Jewish ranch (we’re not Jewish so it was rather funny when my 4-year old sister asked for a cheeseburger and our waiter, Keith, informed her that that was not Kosher. She replied she wasn’t Jewish!) Thankfully, it only rained one of the days we were there!

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    1. Haha!! That’s hilarious! Smart kid, your sister!
      Sunny Hill Farm is also in the Catskills and we went back several times. It was a great place and I see it’s still going strong. It’s funny how we complain about never having done anything when we were kids and suddenly we remember places like Sunny Hill Farm. I wonder if my grandkids will remember our summers in Montauk. We haven’t been there since pre-Covid and now the rental prices are astronomical. It’s a shame, really.

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      1. Oh yes. She is very smart!
        We were at Golden Acres Ranch. Beautiful. Funny because a couple summers ago, my beau and I met in Prattsville. I found out it was close to where Golden Acres had been.
        It’s the same thing with us. We didn’t have that many summer vacations but this one stands out.

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        1. When we were kids, there was no I-95 or I-87 and getting anywhere was a trek. We were like the Israelites crossing the desert, loaded down with everything we owned! 😂 Even the beach at Sherwood Island in CT took a crazy amount of time to get to; now the ride is doable in 45 minutes! Travel time played a big part in rarely going anywhere except to visit my grandmother in NJ and even that was a journey! 🚙

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          1. I get it. We left from Montreal to go down. I just checked and I-87 and I-95 were build in 1957 so that means we took one or the other 🙂
            I do remember taking a scenic route to get to Maine and loved it. So, I added a coupla hours to my trek! 😉

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