Short Story

As He’d Hoped

Rochelle at Friday Fictioneers
has challenged us to write a 100-word
story prompted by the photo below.
Incorporating prompts from

Weekly Prompts Wednesday and
FOWC with Fandango,

this is my response to Rochelle’s challenge.

Photo Prompt Ā© Susan Rouchard

How many years does someone need to spend in a loveless marriage before the word divorce is mentioned?

That was Barbaraā€™s regrettable life. When her husband finally approached her, she didnā€™t hesitate; she knew she couldnā€™t love him as heā€™d hoped.

Their split was swift and formal.

Now Barbara walked out of the Prada shop in Salamanca and, with thrilling expectation, waved when she saw Evelyn across the street.

Their pace quickened and they embraced passionately, unafraid and unashamed to show their love for each other.

They walked off, hand in hand, toward a romantic outdoor cafƩ.

Happy at last.

100 Words

This is Elbow with ā€œGrounds For Divorceā€

This portfolio (including text, graphics and videos) is copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephantā€™s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and is not for use by anyone without permission. NAR Ā© 2017-present.

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