Short Story


Today Sadje is asking us “What do you see?”
Here’s my take on this photo prompt.

“Hold it right there, Bitsy. Where are you going with Sissy’s lion?”

“I don’t wanna talk ‘bout it.”

“Ok, but it might make you feel better if you do.”

“Nuthin’s gonna make it better.”

“Nothing, eh? Well, that sounds like a mighty big problem.”

“It is, Grammy.”

“You know, big problems become small ones when you share them with someone.”


“Oh, sure! Why don’t you share your problem with me?”

“Mr. Lion’s ear came off.”

“I see. And you’re afraid Sissy will find out, right?”


“Can I take a look at Mr. Lion?”

“No. I don’t want you to.”

“Not even if I can fix his ear? Remember when I fixed your bunny’s tail?”

“I’m just gonna hide Mr. Lion.”

“Ok, that’s a good idea, Bitsy …. until Sissy comes home from school.”

“Sissy’s gonna be real sad.”

“I think you’re right about that, Bitsy.”

“Can you really fix him, Grammy?”

“Well, I won’t know until I take a look.”

“Ok, here.”

“Hmm. You know, I think I have this color thread in my sewing box.”

“You do?”

“I think so but I have a big problem, Bitsy. I have trouble seeing the eye of the needle to get it threaded. Can you help me?”

“I can do that!”

“Great! Mr. Lion will be good as new.”

“And Sissy won’t ever know!”

“Now just a minute, Bitsy. You still have to tell Sissy.”

“But why, Grammy?”

“Because you were playing with Sissy’s lion behind her back. That’s sneaky and not a good way to behave. You understand, Bitsy? It’s important.”

“I guess.”

“Ok. Let’s work on this together.”

“Grammy, can we have ice cream?”

“We sure can …. just as soon as Sissy gets home.”

NAR © 2023

What do you see # 212- 13 November, 2023

This is “It’s A Jungle Out There” by Randy Newman:

Please stop by
The Rhythm Section
today as we celebrate
Birthday Thursdays.
There will be ice cream!

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