

Photo Prompt © Lisa Fox

Did you ever get the feeling you were being watched?

The forecast for snow turned out to be highly exaggerated as there was barely a coating; much had already melted away.

I’d hiked these woods many times; I was comfortable here and felt safe among the deer and wild birds. Today was different; I couldn’t shake that feeling of being watched.

I scanned the area and that’s when I saw him. You’ll see him, too. Look in the upper left section of the photo. There, hiding behind the grey rock is the face of Edgar Allan Poe.

He’s watching you.

NAR © 2023
100 Words

Here are The Police performing “Every Breath You Take”

69 thoughts on “AN ENIGMA”

  1. Yep.

    Allegedly, Poe’s last words were, “Reynolds, Reynolds.” He has been looking for me more than 150 years now.

    But when I am in Baltimore, I can feel his presence and almost hear his voice. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Clever. That weird ‘being watched’ feeling isn’t nice. I thought it seemed like a nice, peaceful setting, until I read your story. Now it looks very creepy. I can see a sort of head shaped shadow, but I can’t make out any facial features.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I can’t say that I’d ignore Ryan Reynolds if he moved into the house next door. I’ve always found a man with a sense of humour and who likes to cook rather hard to resist. On the other hand, he’s the same age as my eldest. Luckily, I’m married to a man with a sense of humour who love to cook for me (occasionally). 😍


    1. You know I did, caro!!
      That’s part of my job as The Sicilian Storyteller …
      to resurrect old memories and make new ones.

      But the important question is ….
      did you see Poe’s face??

      My emojis are not working
      so you’ll have to imagine a black heart.

      Liked by 1 person

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