

Her parents were good people; they were just too damn young to be raising a family. They didnā€™t do anything wrong unless you call falling in love wrong. Should they have had unsafe sex? Of course not, but listen ā€“ weā€™ve all gotten caught up in the heat of the moment for many reasons. Their passion resulted in an unwanted pregnancy.

For two 14 year old kids, they made a very mature decision: they put their baby girl up for adoption. They could have chosen any other avenue but they chose the right one for them and their daughter. There are so many good options available to pregnant girls and women who are not ready, not willing, not able to keep their babies. Then there are also illegal abortion mills with doctors willing to rip a fetus from the motherā€™s womb for a price. How do those people sleep at night?

My husband and I werenā€™t looking for another child; we already had three, all strawberry blondes with dove-like skin and blue eyes. Just like us. It was my sister who wanted to adopt. Desperately. When she got the call, she wept for joy ā€¦ until she learned Zoe was black and not a newborn but three years old. My sister said no. Flat refusal. I couldnā€™t believe this was the girl I grew up with. What happened to her open mind and arms, her loving heart. Theyā€™re still there but only for babies that look like mine.

Zoe hid behind the skirt of the lady at the adoption center. When I kneeled down and opened my arms, she looked at me very tentatively. I smiled, nodded my head and she took off like a little rabbit running straight into my arms. And we hugged like our lives depended on it; in a way, they did.

She is our daughter now and the fit was seamless, like those lovely Russian nesting dolls. Our biological children love Zoe and she loves them. And us. Weā€™re crazy about all our kids and wonder why we didnā€™t do this sooner. Zoe is our fourth daughter; we already decided weā€™re going for five.

One very large bedroom with three sets of bunk beds. It’s messy and noisy and all over the place but itā€™s a happy, beautiful thing.

NAR Ā© 2023

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35 thoughts on “GOING FOR FIVE”

  1. Been there; done that! šŸ˜‚šŸ„° The criticism levied is that kids should be placed with families of similar ethnic and cultural backgrounds. I can see both sides of the argument, but it didnā€™t stop us from adopting our sons.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. “Teach your children well
    Their father’s hell did slowly go by
    Feed them on your dreams
    The one they pick’s the one you’ll know by

    And you, of tender years
    Can’t know the fears your elders grew by
    Help them with your youth
    They seek the truth before they can die

    Don’t you ever ask them why
    If they told you, you would cry
    So just look at them and sigh
    And know they love you”

    Life in love is such a simple, elusive, majestic, universal law to live by.

    šŸ‘ā£ļø Have a beautiful Sunday, cara.

    Liked by 1 person

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