

Dedicated to my sister for her ceaseless loving care.

My elderly mother stood by the window, her hand pulling back a section of curtain. โ€œMom, what are you doing up? Itโ€™s nearly 3AM.โ€

Without turning to look at me, she replied. โ€œIโ€™m waiting for my husband. Heโ€™s returning from the war and will be home any minute.โ€

I closed my eyes and sighed in resignation. One moment she was lucid, the next her mind clouded over like wintry days. I couldnโ€™t bring myself to tell her the truth again.

โ€œHere, Mom. Lie down. Try to get some sleep.โ€

She closed her eyes as I silently left her room.

NAR ยฉ 2023

40 thoughts on “SLIPPING AWAY”

  1. So sad. My Mum had dementia and when we visited, once we found a way of getting her memory working and her talking, our visits were filled with laughter and joy. Hard to believe she’d been gone over 5 years now.

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        1. Yes! I visited my Mom in the nursing home and found her in the music room with the other residents singing along to all the old standards. She didn’t remember me but she remembered the lyrics and was having a grand time!


  2. It reminds me of my grandmother’s death. We saw her in the morning and she had come out of her funk and was smiling and happy. “I spent last night with your grandfather in the old house,” she said. She drifted off to sleep a couple of hours later and died peacefully in her sleep.

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