

We were driving down iconic Route 66 in our convertible Volkswagen Jetta on our way from Chicago to Santa Monica, California, everything we owned being towed in a small rented U-Haul. In the backseat on the floor behind us, sleeping in his carrying case, was our bulldog puppy, Ringo. 

We’d been on the same stretch of road without seeing another soul for what seemed like an eternity – nothing but miles of tall corn and wheat fields swaying in the breeze. We talked about everything, especially opening our new veterinary practice – a huge step in our professional lives but one we were ready for. Our real estate agent sent us photos of our new office with the name boldly printed in black lettering on a light grey awning: Peterson’s Planned PetHood. 🐈‍⬛

Rummaging through the glove box looking for a snack bar, I came across The Beatles White Album. “Hey, look what I found” I said, showing the CD to my husband, Doc. 

Excellent! Put it on, Babe.”

Opening the case, I discovered a long-forgotten joint, crushed but still viable. “Whoa! Check it out. This CD comes with a bonus track!”  

We lit up, the stale weed snapping and popping as it burned. Even the smallest of tokes resulted in fits of coughing but we still got a decent buzz on. The CD was an incredible find; with each mile down the road we got a little bit higher and a little bit louder singing along to the tunes.

And then there it was – the unmistakable intro of funky get-down guitar slaps and drum beats leading into ‘Why Don’t We Do It In The Road?’. We were grooving in our seats, thumping on the car doors, digging the hell out of that song.

Doc pulled the car over onto the shoulder. Lowering his sunglasses down his nose, he looked at me seductively and started singing “No one will be watching us, why don’t we do it in the road?”  

“Have you lost your mind? What are you … some horny teenager?” 

“Well, you’re half right, I’ll give ya that. Here we sit … a hot banging Beatles song playing, my incredibly sexy wife in a miniskirt and plenty of road. Listen. Paul’s practically begging us to get out of this car and do it IN THE ROAD!”

“Your know, we can get plenty cozy right here IN the car” I suggested, slowly stretching my legs on the dashboard

Doc laughed and leaned over to kiss me, whispering “We’ve done it IN the car … a lot. C’mon, Becca!  Let’s get down [*kiss*] and dirty [*kiss*] and do it in the road [*long hot kiss*]. 

It didn’t take much for me and doc to turn each other on. Pushing the ‘REPEAT’ button on the CD player, he grabbed a blanket from the back seat and we ran to the rear of the car. Laughing, I wriggled out of my panties and wrapped my legs around Doc’s waist as we eased ourselves to the ground. 

Just as Paul let loose with the high note, we heard an “Ahem” and froze. Glancing sideways, we saw the shiniest pair of black boots standing two feet from our car. A man’s voice said ”Pardon me, folks. Trooper Matthew Blake, Oklahoma Highway Patrol. Just as soon as you’re finished checking that tow hitch, I suggest you best be on your way.” And he walked back to his patrol car humming “Why Don’t We Do It In The Road?”.

As he drove by our car, Trooper Blake gave us two short beeps of his horn. We sheepishly got back into our car and continued our journey to Santa Monica. What a lovely little rest stop that had been!

After a few months living in our new digs, doing some online research and making a few calls, I finally discovered the address for the Oklahoma Highway Patrol location of Trooper Matthew Blake. I prepared a small mailing box with a shiny new pair of Ray-Bans and a mini photo of our infant son. A small card read:

One For the Road”
Gratefully ~ Doc, Becca and Matthew Blake Peterson

I smiled imagining what that trooper’s reaction would be when he read our son’s name.

NAR © 2023

Please join me today
for another segment of
At The Movies.
There will be music!

28 thoughts on “ONE FOR THE ROAD”

  1. BLAMMO!!! I read it aloud to My Beloved Sandra, who loved it as much as I do, She agreed that, regarding some details, we feel like you had some crystal ball & have been spying on our (much) younger days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I also have a feeling my younger days with my Mister Bill and yours with the lovely Sandra may have taken very similar twists and turns along the crossroads of life. I don’t regret a single journey!
      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts today!


  2. Ah, …ecstasy supplanted by a pair of trooper boots, …now there’s a buzzkill, …but The White Album, …I’ve got the Vinyl somewhere, …so the storyline melded into nostalgia, …never tried to do it int’ Road I hasten to add, 😇. … Thank you, I keep your email notifications to be able to read at my leisure…best served with a glass of white wine, …thank you, for kick starting my afternoon…(drinkies in the afternoon? Scandalous) ✨🦋✨🙏✨

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Sadly, there’re a few scratches in the vinyl, makes for interesting listening, ..as the lyrics jump about a bit, …like a mystery message eh? …😂… cheers my lovely friend, …✨🙏✨🥂🥂✨Hic!!

        Liked by 1 person

          1. 😂😂, I actually read that aloud, …backwards of course, ..just to prove I could, ..😂😂 I sounded like a three year old, …now for drinkies,…🥂🥂🥂…a slurred three year old, …😂

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