Short Story

The Condo

Written for Six Sentence Story where this week
we are challenged to use the word “faint”
in a story of exactly six sentences. Here’s mine.

After the boating accident, I returned to New York but didn’t have the heart to stay in the condo where Kevin and I used to live; I drove to my parents’ beach house in Amagansett, leaving the apartment untouched, thinking to return one day when I summoned the courage.

Too many memories and sleepless nights at the beach house brought me no comfort or closure …. an impossibility since Kevin’s body was never recovered …. and I now found myself back in Manhattan staring up at the window of my old condo and seeing ghosts 
. ghosts of Kevin.

An overwhelming force drew me closer and I slowly entered the building and climbed the stairs to the apartment we once shared. Approaching the door, I could hear faint music, laughter and the sound of familiar voices; a man and a woman were inside, unaware of my presence as I stood outside the door for what seemed a lifetime …. and in that passage of time I knew beyond a doubt who they were.

Blood pounding in my head, I raised my fist to knock on the door, then stepped back.

Resolutely and silently, I walked away.


This is “Ghost Behind My Eyes” by Ozzy Osbourne

All text, graphics and videos are copyright for The Sicilian Storyteller, The Elephant’s Trunk and The Rhythm Section and are not to be used without permission. NAR©2017-present.

37 thoughts on “The Condo”

  1. If it was her apartment (cuz he’s supposed to be dead), I’d be turning that door knob and going in. But it appears perhaps, maybe, your MC might have a seedling for another plan.

    A mystery Six, Nancy! Let’s find out!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Since she didn’t go in, I am left wondering if the couple inside were ghosts, since Kevin would not likely go back to their condo knowing she would return, or if she were the ghost not able to knock on the door. Regardless, this was an intriguing tale.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Another interesting angle. Reasonable people would agree with you that Kevin would not return to the apartment; however, not all people are reasonable. Some believe they can get away with anything. This is a case of hiding in plain sight. Thanks for your thoughts, Frank.

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